Career Ready Monthly Newsletter: Elevate Your Professional Profile, Mastering the Art of Competitive Job Seeking with AI

February 2, 2024 • Career Readiness Center

Happy New Year! I hope you had a great break! This month, we’re diving into the world of Artificial Intelligence (Al) and how it can revolutionize the way students approach crafting resumes and cover letters during their job search. Whether you’re a recent graduate or actively seeking new opportunities, harnessing the power of Al can make a significant difference in showcasing your skills and landing your dream job.

Al in Resume Building: Crafting Impressively

Gone are the days of spending hours staring at a blank page, wondering how to start your resume. Al-driven tools can now guide you through the process with personalized suggestions and industry-specific templates. Websites like:

  • This platform uses Al to help you build a tailored resume by providing content suggestions based on your
  • Jobscan: Perfect for optimizing your resume to beat Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), Jobscan analyzes your resume against job descriptions to increase your chances of getting noticed.

Dynamic Cover Letters: Personalized and Effective

Al can assist in creating cover letters that stand out. These tools can analyze job descriptions and company culture to help you tailor your message effectively:

  • Rezi: Utilizing Al to optimize keywords and formatting, Rezi helps you create cover letters that match the specific requirements of the job you’re applying for.
  • Hiration: This platform offers Al-powered content suggestions for your cover letter, ensuring that your narrative aligns with the company’s expectations.

Job Search Platforms and Resources

Explore these platforms to streamline your job search and access valuable resources:

  • Linkedln: Leverage the power of professional networking. Follow companies of interest, connect with professionals, and stay updated on industry trends.
  • Glassdoor: Research company reviews, salaries, and interview experiences to make informed decisions about potential
  • Indeed: One of the largest job search engines, Indeed aggregates job listings from various sources, making it a comprehensive resource for job seekers.

 Skill Enhancement and Learning Platforms                         

Stay competitive by continuously upgrading your skills. Explore these platforms to acquire new knowledge:                                                                                                                                                                                                 

  • Coursera: Offers a wide range of online courses from top universities and organizations to enhance your skills.
  • Linkedln Learning: Access a vast library of courses covering various topics, from technical skills to soft skills.
  • Microcredentials at UNTHSC : Specializing in career ready skills-related courses that provides hands-on learning experiences to help you develop career readiness skills.

Click below to checkout UNTHSC’s Career Readiness Micro-credentials 


Al-Powered Interview Preparation 

Prepare for interviews with the help of Al tools that simulate real interview scenarios:

  • lnterviewBuddy: Practice and receive feedback on your interview skills through Al-powered simulations.
  • Robolink Interview: An Al-driven platform that provides mock interviews and feedback to help you improve your performance.
  • Big Interview: Big Interview is HSC’s online virtual interview practice system that helps you learn and refine your interview skills, whether you are interviewing for a job, internship, residency, professional school, or another professional


Embrace the future of job hunting by integrating Al into your resume and cover letter creation process. These tools not only save time but also increase the effectiveness of your applications. Combine this with strategic job search platforms, skill enhancement resources, and interview preparation tools, and you’ll be well on your way to landing that dream job.


Wishing you success in your job search journey! 

The CRC’s January’s Newsletter