Mission Statement
Research Leadership

Explore the Division of Research and Innovation

HSC Next

Lab Animal Medicine

North Texas Regional IRB

Research Enhancement Assistance Program

Research Compliance

Research Core Labs

Sponsored Programs

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Research Budget & Finance
Centers and Institutes

Center for Human Identification
Our accredited forensic laboratory is globally recognized as a leader in forensic identification.

North Texas Eye Research Institute
Our researchers and clinicians in the field of visual science and ophthalmology are driven to increase awareness about disease development and the need for novel therapies.

Institute for Health Disparities
Our prevention research is driving improvement in areas such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, stroke and HIV. We are increasing the underrepresented minority student and faculty population.

Institute for Translational Research
Our goal is to give patients access to therapeutics and diagnostics faster than ever before. We translate basic science into treatments and new procedures for Alzheimer’s and other diseases.

Center for Health Policy
We have three foundational pillars: research, education and community. These pillars are underpinned by health equity, the translation of research into policy and practical and effective policy implementation.

Center for Anatomical Sciences
The Center for Anatomical Sciences (CAS) is a division of the Department of Physiology and Anatomy at the University of North Texas Health Science Center.
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