Admissions, your first step
We are One University, united by a passion for innovation and teamwork to create solutions for a healthier community. The first step in your journey to join us in this endeavor starts here.
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
One of the nation’s top medical schools for primary care, TCOM has an outstanding reputation for our innovative medical school curriculum, cutting-edge research, quality patient care, and outstanding student performance.

College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences
CBTS takes great pride in shaping the future of the biomedical workforce with three areas of focus: Education, Student Services, and Research. Our students are the educators, researchers, and healthcare professionals of tomorrow. They also are fully engaged in innovative, ground-breaking research to tackle major health care issues such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.
PhD – Biomedical Science (Dissertation Research Based)
MS – Biomedical Science (Thesis Research Based)
MS – Clinical Research Management (Practicum/Capstone; Online Available)
MS – Medical Science (Non-Thesis; Online Available)
BS – Biomedical Sciences (Online Only)

College of Public Health
From its inception, the College of Public Health has focused on providing critically needed public health education and research to North Texas. In addition to our exceptional curricula, we require our students to engage in hands-on public health experience beyond the classroom to ensure our graduates are well versed in all aspects of public health.
MHA – Health Administration (Online Available)
MPH – Biostatistics & Data Science
MPH – Public Health Leadership (Online Available)
MS – Public Health Sciences (Epidemiology, Health Behavior Research)
PhD – Public Health Sciences (Epidemiology, Health Behavior Research)

College of Health Professions
The College of Health Professions offers Doctor of Physical Therapy, Master of Physician Assistant Studies, and Master of Science in Lifestyle Health and Coaching degrees. Our outstanding programs provide the knowledge, experience and skills necessary to ensure our students excel in their chosen health professions.
MPAS – Physician Assistant Studies
MS – Lifestyle Health Sciences & Coaching (Online Only)

College of Pharmacy
The College of Pharmacy is committed to developing patient-centric pharmacy professionals trained in an interprofessional environment. We advocate a team healthcare concept coupled with optimizing health through discovery.
MS – Applied Outcomes Research (Online Only)
MS – Drug Discovery & Development (Hybrid)

College of Nursing
HSC is helping with the State’s nursing shortage by launching a College of Nursing with academic degrees needed most by area partners and employers.
MSN in Nursing Practice Innovation
MSN in Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Degree

Online Programs
At HSC, we offer online degrees and certificate programs in many high-demand health care fields.

PATH Academy
The Providing Access to HSC (PATH) program provides comprehensive pre-health and research preparation experience to early college.

Continuing Education
HSC offers non-credit professional development courses designed for your goals, budget and lifestyle.

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