Values Integration
First Year Experience
Our office focuses on five key areas for new employees.
1. New Team Member Orientation
Orientation is our offices first opportunity to help ensure new employees have a great HSC experience. HR and OCE collaborate to deliver a memorable experience that expresses the best of HSC culture and establishes employee connection.
2. 30-Day Touchpoint
The timing of touchpoints for new hires in the first year is critical to the establishing connection and integrating team members quickly into HSC culture. After the first month in a team member’s journey, OCE reminds team members of the importance of Our Values in their journey and sends useful links and contacts that a person may have received on their first day but did not understand the importance of the information at that time.
3. New Team Member Values Workshop
New team member values workshop is a three-hour workshop designed to instill HSC’s values as the foundation, demonstrate expectations for behavioral norms and to reconnect team members with others who started at HSC around the same time. This workshop occurs bi-Monthly and uses case studies, discussion and other tools to form a link between Our Values and related behaviors.
Values Foundations
Our office focuses on two areas to strengthen our values-based culture for existing employees.
1. Values Workshops for Existing Team Members
This is a 2.5-hour workshop designed for existing team members to drive intentional focus on the behaviors associated with Our Values and think differently about how to put the values into action before situations escalate. This workshop launched on April 14, 2022, and 20% of employees have completed the workshop. Moving forward, the workshop will be offered monthly, at minimum, and upon request. The workshops are offered for general groups and for specific departments with department head participation.
2. 13 Behaviors of a High Trust Leader
The Speed of Trust by Stephen Covey is foundational to HSC’s values journey. Our Values are built on the cornerstone of trust and the 13 Behaviors of a High Trust Leader as identified in this book are how HSC defines and demonstrates trust. This workshop will launch in FY23.
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