Campaign, Education and Training
- What To Do About Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking
- What To Do About Sexual Violence
- Understanding the Conduct Process For Allegations of Sexual Misconduct
Title IX for Graduate Students: The University of North Texas Health Science Center promotes student health and safety through the use of Everfi, a mandatoryprogram for all new incoming students. It educates students about the elements of healthy relationships, being a good communicator, understanding and reporting sexual assault, the importance of sexual consent, and the role of bystanders in creating safe, healthy communities.
- Stalking Awareness Month (January)
- Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April)
- Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October)
- RAD Women’s Self-Defense Classes
- Recognizing Students in Distress
- Sexual Assault Prevention Training (Video) –
Safety Programs and Presentations
SHARP (Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention)
The SHARP Program will cover the following defense techniques:
- Use of force (human factors)
- Prevention psychology
- Principles of avoidance
- Passive release and escapes
- Defense counter strikes
Active Shooter
The Active Shooter Presentation covers the following topics:
- Hide Out/Get Out/Take Out
- How to respond when law enforcement arrives
- Recognizing signs of workplace violence
- Managing Disruptive Personalities in the Classroom
The Managing Disruptive Personalities in the Classroom Presentation covers the following topics:
- Who is a disruptive individual?
- What actions should you take when confronted by a disruptive individual?
- Communication with law enforcement
- Creating a mental description of a disruptive individual
- Communicating with a disruptive individual
- Things to avoid when dealing with disruptive individuals
- Special tactics to follow when dealing with disruptive individuals
- Active shooter information
Campus Safety and Personal Awareness
The Campus Safety and Personal Awareness Presentations covers the following topics:
- Campus Orientation
- Emergency Phones
- Less lethal options
- Limitations
- Parking Lot Safety
- Misconceptions
- Holiday Travel
- Bike Safety
Stalking Awareness
The Stalking Awareness Presentation covers the following topics:
- What is Stalking
- Examples of Stalking
- Stalker Behaviors
- What to do if you are the victim of stalking
- What information is important for law enforcement to have in a stalking case
Social media