Interim Title IX Coordinator: Larryisa Thomas- 972-338-1125, DAL 1, Suite 356, 7300 University Hills Blvd, Dallas, TX 75241, The Title IX Coordinator will begin an investigation upon request and will assume responsibility for your ongoing opportunities to take full advantage of your educational program.
Director, Office of Care and Civility: Andrew Arvay- 817-735-5623, The Office of Care and Civility manages concerns related to student wellbeing and the Student Code of Conduct and Civility. During the conduct process, the Student Conduct Officer (SCO) makes a determination of responsibility for code violations and, if necessary, decides the disciplinary actions to be assigned. A SCO can initiate the interim or emergency withdrawal process if the student puts the HSC community at immediate risk. For students in need of academic arrangements related to a situation, a member of the Care Team (also housed in the Office of Care and Civility) can assist in communicating with an academic department if arrangements are available.
UNTHSC Police- 817-735-2600 You may file a police report with campus police for sexual assaults occurring on campus or with local police for sexual assaults occurring off campus. When making a report to the police, you may choose to report using a pseudonym so that your name will not appear in public files.
Student Health Services- 817-735-5051 Conversations are all confidential and can be anonymous. Except in rare, extreme circumstances, nothing will be shared without Complainant’s explicit permission.
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