TCOM Education Conclave 2021
Title: Cobalamin Deficiency: A reversible cause of Mixed Delirium and Psychosis in an Elderly Patient with recent COVID-19 infection
Abstract – Poster – Loom
TCOM Education Conclave 2021 Presenters
- Rees Checketts CPPS, OMS-III, UNT HSC TCOM
Title: Somatic Mutation of CDH1 Leading to Diffuse Gastric Cancer
- Katherine Guillory DO, Methodist Charlton Medical Center
Title: Cobalamin Deficiency: A reversible cause of Mixed Delirium and Psychosis in an Elderly Patient with recent COVID-19 infection
- Alissa Mirochnitchenko M.S., UNT HSC TCOM Student
Title: Online learning modules improve musculoskeletal medicine exam scores
- Christian Nilsen DO PGY-III, Texoma Medical Center, Denison, TX
Title: From Muscle Cramps to Albright’s Hereditary Osteodystrophy: A Case Study
- Daniel Nguyen DO, HCA Medical City Weatherford Dermatology Residency Program
Title: Preliminary Results for an Innovative Model for Graduate Medical Education Faculty Development through Physician In Training Delivery
- Jake Powell OMSIII, UNT HSC TCOM Student
Title: Localizing the Course of the Radial Nerve Based on Anatomical Landmarks: A Cadaveric Study
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