IACUC Announcement Archive

This archive contains documents and information sources provided to the UNTHSC IACUC research community via past announcements. 

If you have any questions about these resources/updates, please contact the IACUC office at IACUC@unthsc.edu.

Announcing our IACUC Recommendations for Vaporizing Equipment and Updated SOPs - December 21, 2023

Please see below for the latest updates from the IACUC Office.

In this announcement, we would like to thank the research community for working with the IACUC during inspections, will discuss recommendations on the use of gas anesthesia vaporizers and scavenging systems, and will review updates to other SOPs.

October 2023 Semi-Annual Inspections

We would like to thank the research community for welcoming the IACUC into their animal use spaces, and their continued efforts in maintaining a culture of compliance within our Animal Care and Use Program. Keep up the great work!

Recommendations on the use of vaporizing equipment

The IACUC has recently updated IACUC SOP 049: Use of Gas Anesthesia Vaporizers and Scavenging Systems to provide some clarifications on the safe use of vaporizing equipment. Exposure to high levels of anesthetic gases presents a potential risk for adverse neurological effects, reproductive risk to exposed workers, or developmental anomalies in their offspring. As we care about our researchers and students within our animal care and use program, we would like to take a moment to discuss key elements within this SOP.

Anesthetic Training:

Prior to the use of anesthesia equipment, all personnel should receive training on this equipment. DLAM is able to provide this training, or it can be conducted by experienced laboratory staff such as the PI or a laboratory manager. See the SOP for details that should be included in this training. If training is conducted by the PI or an experienced laboratory member, please be sure to document this on the laboratory training records.

Safety Considerations:

Ensure that the use of vaporizing equipment is performed in a well-ventilated room, and a proper scavenging system is in place. Testing kits are available for purchase for checking scatter exposure. Please check the SOP for the proper PPE to wear when handling the liquid form of the anesthetic gas.

Vaporizer Equipment Maintenance:

Be sure to maintain a current SOP on the manufacturer’s directions. Vaporizer equipment will need to be calibrated on an annual basis. Equipment that fails to be calibrated by the annual due date will need to be labeled as “Do Not Use” or removed from the lab.

Scavenging canisters will need to be stored in an upright position with the base elevated to allow for proper airflow when in use. Scavenging canisters must be labeled with the date received and the initial weight. Canisters must be weighed and labeled after each use. Once the canister reaches 50 grams or more than its initial weight, it will need to be disposed of in a plastic bag, and then placed in a regular trash receptacle.

Please refer to the SOP for more information on maintaining vaporizer equipment.

Updated IACUC SOPs

IACUC SOPs are reviewed on a triennial basis, and which allows opportunities for us to re-evaluate and make changes/ updates as needed. Below, we’ve provided a few of the recently approved SOPs, explaining the changes/ updates made:

IACUC SOP 030: Q Fever

  • This SOP was up for a three-year review. It is a precautionary guide for the occupational health risk for Q fever when working with the sheep or goat species (either in vivo or in vitro).
  • Minor clarifications were made to the SOP to reduce any confusion regarding the intent of the SOP.

IACUC SOP 007: Guillotine Maintenance

  • This SOP was up for a three-year review. It is a guidance document on the expectations for maintaining guillotine equipment.
  • An update was made on a recommended service location for sharpening guillotine blades.

IACUC SOP 040: Review of Standard Operating Procedures

  • This SOP was up for a three-year review, and provides the procedures for reviewing IACUC SOPs.
  • The only change to this SOP is that it now includes the review procedures for exceptions.

IACUC SOP 027: Occupational Health Program

  • This SOP was up for a three-year review. It provides a description of our Occupational Health and Safety Program.
  • Changes were made to clarify the process for the initial submission and the annual enrollment.

IACUC SOP 049: Use of Gas Anesthesia Vaporizers and Scavenging Systems

  • This SOP was updated to clarify the actions that should be taken when the calibration of the vaporizer equipment expires. Equipment will need to be labeled as expired and not used until it is re-calibrated.
  • It also clarified the proper storage of scavenging canisters.
  • Further minor edits were made to provide clarification on the expectations of using gas anesthesia vaporizers and scavenging systems.

Stay Informed

Please find past IACUC Announcements here: IACUC Announcement Archive

If you have any questions about these resources/updates, please contact the IACUC office at IACUC@unthsc.edu.

Announcing our IACUC Meeting Dates and Updated SOPs - September 27, 2023

Please see below for the latest updates from the IACUC Office.

Specifically, as funding is an important part of animal research, it is important to disclose on the animal care and use protocol the funding associated with the project. Below, our office has provided details on how to accomplish this.

Associating Grants to Protocols

As noted above, it is incredibly important that funding sources are added to your protocol, as these funds are often checked when used for animal purchases and per diem costs.  Funding sources may be internal funds (for example, start-up funds, Seed Grants, departmental funding), or external funding (for example, public health agency grants, foundations, private funding, etc.). All funding sources used for an animal study need to be identified in the Funding Source Section of the IACUC Protocol, which allows for multiple sources to be associated with the protocol. Funding sources can be identified during a new or triennial protocol submission process, or through an amendment to a previously approved protocol. When adding the funding source in GRAMS, please ensure it includes: the Funding Organization, the Sponsor Funding ID, the Grants Office ID, as well as any relevant documents like the vertebrate animal section, the research strategy section, or any other related documents.

For additional details on the updates regarding the distinct types of review processes (per funding source), please see the revised Protocol Submission Process SOP.

Fiscal Year 2024 IACUC Meeting Dates

September marks a new fiscal year which means new IACUC meeting dates and deadlines! PI’s that are submitting new protocols or a triennial review for approved protocols should familiarize themselves with submission deadlines and meeting review dates for FY2024. These dates can be found through the HSC IACUC Date, Deadlines & Fees page.

New GRAMS Training Video

The HSC Office of Research Compliance has created a GRAMS tutorial video to provide guidance on how to create and submit a protocol utilizing the GRAMS system.

Updated IACUC SOPs

IACUC SOPs are reviewed triennially, allowing opportunities for us to re-evaluate and make changes/ updates as needed. Below, we have provided a few of the recently approved SOPs, explaining the changes/ updates made:

SOP 009 Protocol Submission Process

  • This SOP was updated to add more information about the scientific peer review and chair review process used by the IACUC for study approval

SOP 030 Q Fever

  • This SOP was updated to add clarification of its purpose

SOP 10 Tail Biopsy in Mice and Rats

  • This SOP was updated to add clarification of its purpose

SOP 035 Analgesics in Laboratory Animals

  • This SOP is unchanged

SOP 037 Hazardous Materials used in Animals

  • This SOP was updated to include information of who to contact to add hazardous materials to a protocol

Stay Informed

Please find past IACUC Announcements here: IACUC Announcement Archive

If you have any questions about these resources/updates, please contact the IACUC office at IACUC@unthsc.edu.

Announcing our Updated IACUC Review and SOPs – June 20, 2023

Please see below for the latest updates from the IACUC Office. There are times when a research study requires the need for different animal housing or husbandry care than the standard DLAM care. Examples include, but are not limited to: a special diet, a restricted diet, alternative lighting, and special caging. If you need special care for your animals as part of your research project, you will need to make both the IACUC and DLAM aware. Read below for details on how to properly do so.

For IACUC Review

In the Experiments section of the protocol form in the GRAMS system, you will identify any Husbandry Exceptions in Part 12. Exception types include: Alternative Lighting, Enrichment Waiver, Individual Housing, Investigator Maintained Animals, Irradiated Feed / Bedding, Medicated Water, Metabolic Caging, Special Bedding / Cage Requirement, Special Diet, Special Light Cycle, Static Caging, Sterilized Caging, or Other (you will be required to provide specifics in the Description/ Justification box).

Once the Exception type is identified, the next part allows you to describe the exception and provide a scientific justification for the need to include this exception in the protocol. Please note that cost or convenience is never an acceptable justification. If you plan to feed the animals a special diet, the description should include a statement indicating if the special diet is nutritionally balanced. If the diet is not nutritionally balanced, the justification would need to include any effects the diet might have on the animal. 

If food/water will need to be restricted for the study, this will need to be addressed in a procedure, as additional information. The length of restriction would also need to be provided.

For DLAM Notification

Any time that special care is needed, DLAM should be notified through the Special Care Form, submitted to the DLAM email box, at least one business day prior to the special care going into effect.

Once the special care goes into effect, you will need to place the special care cage card on the cage of the animals. There are two kinds of special care cards:

A Yellow Special Care by PI Cage Card:  Used for animals in which the special care is given by the PI.

A Teal Special Feed / Water Cage Card:  Indicates that DLAM will use special feed or water provided by the PI to care for the animals.

These special care cage cards can be found in the animal facility. You may ask the DLAM staff for assistance in locating these cards.

Please note that any other special arrangement for DLAM services must be communicated to the DLAM Facility Manager before going into effect.

There are times when adjustments may be needed for the welfare of the animal. For example, separating out cage mates due to fighting. These types of adjustments will be communicated to the PI before being implemented.

Updated IACUC SOPs

IACUC SOPs are reviewed on a triennial basis, which allows opportunities for us to re-evaluate and make changes / updates as needed. Below, we’ve provided a few of the recently approved SOPs, explaining the changes / updates made:

IACUC SOP 018: Prolonged Physical Restraint

  • Please note that any time an animal is restrained for > 10 minutes, a justification will need to be provided. Please note that all restraint will need to be described within the IACUC protocol, regardless of the restraint type (manual, device) or the duration. The description should include the reason for the restraint (i.e., substance administration, blood withdrawal), the restraint type (i.e., manual, device), the duration (the length of time an animal is restrained), and the frequency in which the animal is restrained, along with the maximum number of times a single animal could experience restraint. 

IACUC SOP 028: Special Care (Formerly Food and Water Restriction)

  • This SOP was updated to clarify the process for notifying DLAM when special care is needed. Please ensure to send the Special Care Form (found on the DLAM Website) to the DLAM email, at least one business day prior to initiating the special care. Also, once ready to initiate, please be sure to use the appropriate care cage card.

IACUC SOP 031: Reporting and Investigating Noncompliance

IACUC SOP 036: Anesthesia in Laboratory Animals

  • This SOP remains unchanged.

 Stay Informed

Please find past IACUC Announcements here: IACUC Announcement Archive


If you have any questions about these resources/updates, please contact the IACUC office at iacuc@unthsc.edu

Announcing our Updated Training Program – January 25, 2023

As part of HSC’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee’s (IACUC’s) commitment to the care and use of all animals in research, and to assist investigators with their obligation to plan and conduct animal experiments, we have continued creating valuable resources and providing important updates to our research community in regard to our researcher-specific trainings. Please see below for a descriptive review of trainings and training resources:

Personnel Training for Research Staff


The IACUC is tasked to ensure personnel working with animals have the appropriate qualifications. One way to accomplish this is through our personnel training program. Recently, a Training Coordinator was hired in the DLAM. With the addition of this team member, we are taking the opportunity to re-evaluate our training program. As such, IACUC SOP 012: Personnel Training for Research Staff has been updated. Below are some highlights to the changes made to the Training Program:

Refresher Training

  • CITI Training

Post-Approval Monitoring is a fairly new CITI training course. This course is set up to be completed every 3 years. This will be checked during protocol review. 

If you took the CITI Training prior to 2010, you may be asked to retake the CITI Training, as there have been updates to the regulations.

  • DLAM Specific Training

As changes and updates are made to the animal facility, it is important to ensure policies for ensuring the safety of personnel and animals while in the animal facility are reviewed by researchers on a regular basis. Therefore, the DLAM Policy Training will now be required to be completed every 5 years. This will be checked during protocol review.

  • Re-training for Compliance Concerns

There may be times that the IACUC requests re-training based on compliance concerns. This training is usually specific to the compliance concern.

DLAM Virtual Training

DLAM is now offering some of their training online through the Canvas system. This training includes the following:

  • DLAM Policy Training
  • Part 1 of DLAM Surgery Training
  • Infectious Agents/ Biohazard training

The rest of DLAM Training, such as the Facility Tour, Part 2 of the Surgery Training, the Animal Handling Training, and the Bio-methods training will all occur in person.


Principal Investigator Specific Training

Principal Investigators are responsible for training their staff on procedures specific to their protocol. However, for this training, the IACUC is now requiring specific documentation to be recorded and maintained for staff trained in the laboratory. These records should include the following:

  • Name of the individual receiving the training
  • Name of the trainer
  • Protocol Number/ Species
  • Name/ Description of procedures/ techniques being trained
  • Date in which the training took place

A template has been developed in the IACUC Office for you to use for these training records and is linked below. Please remember if you are using animals to train personnel, to include this in your protocol, and ensure there are enough animals on your protocol reserved for training purposes.


Resources for Training Program

Special Announcement Regarding IACUC Staff

Our IACUC Administrator, Ms. Karina Garcia has accepted a position at her previous institution, MD Anderson Cancer Center, and left HSC at the end of 2022. She was a wonderful addition to our IACUC team, and we are sad to see her go (although we know she will be an asset in her new position at MD Anderson Cancer Center!). However, this does unfortunately mean that we are currently down a staff member in the IACUC Office. As such, we appreciate your patience and understanding for delays that may occur due to our current staffing issues. We do hope to fill this position soon, and in the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office with any questions or concerns that you may have!


Stay Informed

Please find past IACUC Announcements here: IACUC Announcement Archive

If you have any questions about these resources/updates, please contact the IACUC office at IACUC@unthsc.edu.

Announcing our Updated Post-Approval Monitoring Program – September 16, 2022

As part of the UNTHSC’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee’s commitment to the care and use of all animals in research, and to assist investigators with their obligation to plan and conduct animal experiments, we have continued creating valuable resources and providing important updates to our research community:

Post-Approval Monitoring (PAM) Program

The IACUC Office recently updated the Post-Approval Monitoring program which will implement three types of audits to include, Document Review, Laboratory Audit and Procedure Observation. These changes were approved by the committee. These audit types will improve the post-approval monitoring process and allow us to meet the requirements of ongoing oversight of animal use activities to ensure the best quality in the care and use of research animals and continue to educate our researchers on federal and institutional requirements.

Types of Audits

Document Review

This audit will review the documentation associated with the protocol. This documentation could include the following: protocol documents, training records, animal number logs, and animal study records. A meeting with the PI may occur after document review to discuss records, or any other questions the auditor may have.

 Laboratory Audit

This audit will take place in the animal use laboratory with a discussion of various aspects of the research project with the PI/laboratory members. The audit team will discuss any findings or recommendations they may have.

 Procedure Observation

An audit team will observe procedures associated with the animal protocol. The audit team will discuss any findings or recommendations with the PI/laboratory members.

 How to Prepare for a PAM Audit

Protocols will be randomly selected on a monthly basis for PAM audits, with the exception of April and October due to semiannual inspections. The IACUC Office will notify the PI via email if their protocol(s) has been selected for an audit. The email will indicate the type of audit they have been selected for and may request further information. Here are some recommendations for a successful audit:

    • Respond in a timely manner to the audit request and provide the information requested.
    • Review protocol information to ensure all procedures are appropriately described.
    • Review checklists used to conduct the audits that will be provided by the audit team.
    • Prepare any questions you may have for the IACUC Office. We are always happy to help!
    • Respond in a timely manner to any recommendations or corrective actions if any are needed after the audit has been conducted.

Resources for a PAM Audit

Further details on the PAM Program can be found here: Post-Approval Monitoring Program

Stay Informed

Please find past IACUC Announcements here: IACUC Announcement Archive

If you have any questions about these resources/updates, please contact the IACUC office at IACUC@unthsc.edu.

Announcing New IACUC Resources and Updates- June 10, 2022

As part of the UNTHSC’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee’s commitment to the care and use of all animals in research, and to assist investigators with their obligation to plan and conduct animal experiments, we have continued creating valuable resources and providing important updates to our research community:


April Semi-Annual Inspections

 We would like to thank the research community for welcoming the IACUC into their animal use spaces and on their continued efforts to meet the regulatory requirements. Keep up the great work!

Updates to IACUC SOPs

 The UNTHSC IACUC recently reviewed and approved revisions to the following SOPs:

IACUC SOP 046: Pre-Project Planning Meetings

Changes you need to know about:

      • The Pre-Project Planning Meeting may now occur at any step in the Review Process.
      • PIs may call for a meeting by completing the IACUC Consult Request Form.
      • The IACUC Reviewers retain the right to call for a Pre-Project Planning Meeting during the IACUC Meeting. This is included in the Review Outcome Letter.

IACUC SOP 044: Controlled Substances

Changes you need to know about:

      • The state of Texas no longer requires a state license for controlled substances. Please note that a Federal license is still required.

IACUC SOP 024: Laboratory Approval for Animal Use Including Housing Animals outside the Vivarium

Changes you need to know about:

      • We now have a formalized the process of approving laboratories for animal use. It begins with a Laboratory Approval Request Form.  This allows the IACUC Office to set up a time to inspect the laboratory. Once the inspection is cleared, an amendment may be submitted to add the laboratory to the protocol. Once added to the protocol, animals may be taken to the laboratory.
      • This SOP also further clarifies that animals may not stay the night in a laboratory (regardless of the amount of time), unless approved on the protocol.
      • More details about the Laboratory Approval Process can be found on the IACUC Website.

IACUC SOP 037: Hazardous Materials in Animals

Changes you need to know about:

      • The revised SOP now includes links to the safety manuals. You now have easy access to the Biological Safety Manual, the Chemical Safety Manual, and the Radiation Safety Manual from the SOP.
      • The SOP also includes how to identify the use of Hazards in GRAMS. While currently, there is no specific place to input the hazardous use, we have included a  Hazardous Agent Form to attach to the protocol.
      • The SOP also has updated the DLAM process for marking hazardous cages.

IACUC SOP 038: Recommendations for Substance Administration

Changes you need to know about:

      • In the interest of consolidating our SOPs, IACUC SOP 055: Guidelines for Compounding Secondary Container Use for Injectable Drugs has been retired. However, the details from the SOP are now incorporated in the Substance Administration SOP.
      • The SOP has an added section to include the discouragement of reusing needles in research animals. Reusing  needles can lead to dulling of the needle, increasing the discomfort of injections, and can lead to disease transmission and/or contamination.
      • The SOP has also been updated to clarify the process for adding substances to your protocol in the GRAMS system.

IACUC SOP 047: Protocol to Grant Congruence Verification

Changes you need to know about:

      • This SOP has been updated to include further clarification of the current process, as well as, including additional references.

Tips for Writing Your Protocol

 External Team Member Form

Are you wondering how to add an external team member to your protocol? We have created an External Team Member Form, for non-UNTHSC protocol team members. This may include: volunteers, collaborators, and summer students who do not acquire an EUID and need to be added to protocols. This form can be attached to the protocol application, or through an amendment in the GRAMS electronic system. When submitting an amendment/protocol, you will attach the External Team Member Form under the, ‘Protocol Team Members’ portion of the protocol, Section 2 ‘External Team Member Information’.

Considerations for Animal Welfare

Compassion Fatigue Webinar

 Compassion Fatigue has been a hot topic in the lab animal community. As we all care deeply about the animals we regularly work with, and while we recognize in the long run animal research studies  are to help the community/society, we cannot help but feel distressed when the study ends. This can lead to workplace stress, and as a result compassion fatigue. Recently, DLAM held a Compassion Fatigue webinar with a certified compassion fatigue professional.

If you were unable to attend this webinar, you can access it through the following link and passcode:

Passcode: VMCPq?47

Compassion Fatigue Resiliency

 The North American 3Rs Collaborative has created a Compassion Fatigue Resiliency Hub. To find more information and resources for compassion fatigue, please visit: https://www.na3rsc.org/compassion-fatigue/

Stay Informed

Please find past IACUC Announcements here: IACUC Announcement Archive

If you have any questions about these resources/updates, please contact the IACUC office at IACUC@unthsc.edu.

Announcing New IACUC Resources and Updates- February 25, 2022

As part of the UNTHSC’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee’s commitment to the care and use of all animals in research, and to assist investigators with their obligation to plan and conduct animal experiments, we have created valuable resources and important updates for our research community:

Training Resources

New Training Cheat sheet for students

Since September 2021, we have come a long way in learning how to enter IACUC Protocols into GRAMS! For instance, we discovered that not all students are automatically populated into the system. As such, a new Training Requirements Cheat sheet was created for students. This cheat sheet includes an additional step requiring students to fill out the GRAMS Access Form. As with all research personnel, we request that the student complete all of the training and personnel requirements before you add the student to your protocol.

Changes in IACUC SOPs

Annual Reviews

In effort to reduce regulatory burden, as noted in the 21st Century Cures Act, the USDA APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) issued a final rule, effective December 27, 2021, to harmonize with the NIH requirement of performing a complete review of the protocol every three years. This, in turn, will remove the Annual Review requirement for USDA Covered Species. The UNTHSC IACUC  recently reviewed and approved revisions to SOP 003: Annual Review of Protocols to no longer require the annual review of protocols, regardless of species. For further details and information please visit: Federal Register: AWA Research Facility Registration Updates, Reviews, and Reports

VVC Implementation

Great news! The IACUC has recently approved the Veterinary Verification & Consultation (VVC) process. This will allow for flexibility in the evaluation of certain proposed changes to animal protocols, which may be handled in consultation by the attending veterinarian authorized by the IACUC ( and in accordance with  IACUC approved policies that are appropriate for the animal protocol and its circumstance).Please see the criteria that qualifies for VVC approval: SOP 002: Amendments to Approved Protocols.

Tips for Writing Your Protocol

Hazards Agent Form

You may have noticed there is not a place to enter information about Hazardous Substances in our new IACUC Protocol. While we are working towards a more permanent solution, in the meantime the IACUC has implemented the Hazardous Agent Attachment form, which can be attached to the protocol application in GRAMS.

OLAW Webinar

Have you ever wondered what to include in the “search for alternatives” section in the protocol application? This webinar discusses how to find varying 3Rs methods (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement), and other animal use alternative information in bibliographic databases.

Best Practices for Conducting a Search for Alternatives and Finding Animal Model/Model Organism Information | OLAW (nih.gov)

What are the 3R’s?

The Russell and Birch 3R’s are regarded as scientific methods that incorporate some aspect of replacement, reduction, or refinement of animal use in pursuit of the minimization of animal pain and distress that are consistent with the goals of the research. They are internationally accepted as principles for humane animal research. Below, please find more details concerning the 3Rs. You may also find information on the 3Rs at the North American 3Rs Collaborative and the National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research.

Replacement: Substituting sentient animals with insentient material

Reduction: Reduction in the number of animals required per experiment/study while still achieving robust results

Refinement: Methods that minimize animal suffering and improve animal welfare

Stay Informed

Please find past IACUC Announcements here: IACUC Announcement Archive

If you have any questions about these resources/updates, please contact the IACUC office at IACUC@unthsc.edu.

Announcing New IACUC Resources and Updates – October 29th, 2021

As part of the UNTHSC’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee’s commitment to the care and use of all animals in research and providing investigators assistance to fulfill their obligation to plan and conduct animal experiments, we have created valuable resources and important updates for our research community:

New Training Requirements Cheat Sheet and Consultation Form

 Training Resources

Consultation Form

    • This purpose of these consultations is to provide the IACUC with specific information about a potential study submission. These consultations are intended to be an opportunity for the investigator to ask any questions and for the IACUC to provide guidance as needed. Investigators should fill out the IACUC Consult Request Form to provide details and timelines about their project to request a meeting.

Recent Updates to UNTHSC IACUC Lean Process Improvement

As part of UNTHSC’s goal to improve processes, the IACUC Office has reviewed the review/approval times for IACUC amendments and has participated in a Process Improvement initiative. The process improvement activities are aimed at reducing the number of days to review/approve an amendment, which will also help to increase the capacity for amendment reviews.

For additional information and specific details regarding the IACUC Process improvement initiative, please contact the IACUC Office.

 Highlights of the Progress Made

 Grants & Research Administration Management Suite (GRAMS) System Implementation

As many of you know, we launched our new electronic submission system, the Grants & Research Administration Management Suite (GRAMS), on September 1st! The implementation of GRAMS has provided for ease of amendment submissions and reviews. As expected, despite some initial delays with learning the new system, it is already apparent that GRAMS may help assist with making the review process more efficient (with the goal of reducing the wait and total review times for all submissions). We are excited to see the positive effect that GRAMS will have on our review process!

Implementation of the Veterinary Verification & Consultation (VVC)

The Veterinary Verification & Consultation (VVC), allows for flexibility in the evaluation of certain proposed changes to animal protocols, which may be handled in consultation by the attending veterinarian authorized by the IACUC. This being according to IACUC approved policies that are appropriate for the animal protocol and its circumstance. We will plan to have this process in place soon, and will provide our research community with updates as they become available.