Reservations & Events at the Fitness Center

Fitness Center Room Reservation and Event Guidelines

General Information

HSC Departments

  • Reservations may be made in person by making an appointment or emailing All departments requesting to reserve a space and/or hold an event must complete a room request form and event application. The room request form is available here and the event application is available here.
  • Requests to reserve rooms must be made 30 days in advance of scheduled use. Request to host events must be made 60 days in advance of event date.

HSC Registered Student Organizations (RSOs)

  • Reservations may be made in person by making an appointment or emailing All student organizations requesting to reserve a space and/or hold an event must complete a room request form and event application.
  • Requests to reserve rooms must be made 30 days in advance of scheduled use. Request to host events must be made 60 days in advance of event date.

Non-university Affiliated Groups

  • Non-university affiliated groups must contact to make the request. Room request forms can be found here and event applications can be found here.
  • Requests to reserve rooms must be made 30 days in advance of scheduled use. Request to host events must be made 60 days in advance of event date.

Reservation Policies

  • Scheduling Priorities- Group Fitness, Personal Training, and Fitness Center hosted events will receive priority when scheduling and reserving rooms. No department or group is allowed to unreasonably occupy a space for convenience or unscheduled programs. If any room is vacant during operating hours, it is available for open recreation under the supervision of the FAC staff. It is the responsibility of UNTHSC departments, RSOs, and non-university affiliated groups to make a reservation and fill out an event application for approval.
  • General Reservation Policies- UNTHSC departments, RSOs, and non-university affiliated groups will be scheduled on a first come first serve basis. On rare occasions, scheduled events may be moved or canceled based on the priorities of the Fitness Center. The sale of food and beverages is prohibited at the Fitness Center. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited from Fitness Center property entirely.
    • Groups or departments must fill out a Room Request Form. Groups or departments that are wanting to host events longer than 1 hour must also fill out an Event Application Form.
    • Room Request Forms must be submitted 30 days in advance of reservation. Event Application Forms must be submitted 60 days in advance of event.
    • The Fitness Center Senior Student Services Coordinator may require a formal interview to discuss any events lasting longer than 1 hour.
    • Once approved, the Fitness Center reserves the right to reschedule or cancel any requests due to unforeseen circumstances.
    • If a department or group decides to cancel a room request, notice of the cancellation must be given 2 hours prior to the event. If a department or group decides to cancel an event, it must be given 24 hours prior to the event.
    • Spaces & Rooms that can be reserved:
      • Outdoor Court
      • Group Fitness Room
    • Advertising for any events affiliated with or hosted at the Fitness Center must be approved by SARC staff prior to the beginning of advertisement of the event.

Equipment Reservation

The Fitness Center can supply a variety of equipment for rental including:

  • Flag Football Set
  • Tennis Rackets & Balls
  • Ping Pong Paddles & Balls
  • Yoga Mats
  • Soccer Balls
  • Footballs
  • Basketballs
  • Jump Ropes
  • Dodge Balls

Policies regarding day rentals of equipment are as follows:

  • Equipment must be requested no later than a week in advance by emailing
  • Some equipment is of limited quantity and is used for group fitness classes at the Fitness Center. Depending on when the equipment is requested for, the group requesting the equipment may have to go outside of UNTHSC for equipment.
  • Each group is responsible for the equipment that is assigned to it. A replacement cost will be charged for any damage or loss of equipment.
  • Upon check out, name, ID#, and ID badge (or something of value) will be left with the Fitness Center front desk staff. The equipment is to be returned within 24 hours of check out.