Wellness Coaching

Wellness Coaching

Looking for personalized one-on-one support to improve your health and well-being? We have a service to meet your needs! The Student Assistance Resource Center (SARC) offers personalized Wellness Coaching at no cost to the HSC campus community.

Wellness coaching is designed to partner with clients who are seeking self-directed, lasting changes, aligned with their values, which promote health and wellness and, thereby, enhance well-being. Coaching is client led, and the role of the coach is to facilitate thought provoking conversations as clients determine their capacity for change and how that change is implemented in their lives.

Sessions are scheduled for 30-minutes to 1-hour, and the frequency is determined by the client and coach. To schedule your appointment, please fill out and submit the SARC Wellness Coaching Form and a coach will reach out to you to schedule an appointment.