Info Sessions & Events

Open house event

Please join us for the HSC at Fort Worth PA 2020 Virtual Open House!  Events of the evening will include an overview of the program/curriculum with faculty members, an information session on the admissions process and a Q&A panel with current students.

  • When: TBD
  • Where: TBD

Meet us on your campus

Campus visits are currently being scheduled through Campus Tours.

If you would like to invite an admissions advisor to an event on your campus, please contact us by email.

On campus information sessions

In lieu of one-on-one meetings with prospective applicants, the program hosts group advising sessions.  These sessions are designed to present general information about the admissions process. Our goal is to provide applicants with the information they need to build a competitive application.

On campus sessions are currently cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation.

Web-based information sessions

These webinar sessions cover the same content as our on campus sessions, but in a format that is accessible to those who are not able to visit the HSC at Fort Worth campus.

None scheduled at this time.

Recorded information session

If you are unable to attend a live session, you may watch a recorded session and email the program with any questions you may have.