NorTex Membership


The Importance of Joining NorTex

Historically, primary care research has taken a back stage position in the medical research industry, and research has primarily been conducted by tertiary medical centers (hospitals, sub/specialty clinics, etc.)  Since the mid and late 1990’s, the medical community has increasingly come to realize that research findings based on tertiary care research cannot always be translated into primary care practice. There is, therefore, a recognized and vital need for primary care research. NorTex was developed to foster quality evidence-based patient-oriented primary care research locally and nationally. Every clinician that joins the network will have the opportunity to have an integral and active role in furthering the health status of the North Texas community and contribute to the knowledge of how to better address our country’s health care needs. Since primary care practitioners provide the majority of this country’s health care, it is without question that there should be research that focuses on primary care.

Your Role in NorTex

One of the most important objectives for NorTex is to NOT disrupt your busy daily practice. You dictate how active you want to be within the network. We look forward to any research ideas or proposals that you present and then help you to conduct your research project by using our resources.  Any research projects that is found to be a good match for your clinic will first be presented to you, the clinic manager, and medical group where appropriate to ensure unobstructed clinical flow and to discuss the details of the project. You will always have the option to have your clinic opt out of any project.

Benefits of NorTex PBRN Membership

  • Have opportunities to receive CME credits for network research activities
  • Have the opportunity to conduct primary care research
  • Have the resources to design, analyze, publish, and present your own research projects
  • Have the resources to apply for grants
  • Increase your scholarly activity and develop the skills for long term learning
  • Make a difference in the health care status of your patients, the Texas community, and the country
  • Be involved in primary care academia (an important, yet unmet, need in our country)
  • You will not need to commit much to be an integral and important part of the research network

What is required and how much time does it take?

  • All NorTex members (including nurse practitioners and physician assistants, as well as physicians) are required to complete a membership form to provide data to document their training, demographic characteristics, and experience.
  • One member of the practice must be identified as the contact practitioner, and that contact must fill out a survey describing characteristics of the practice.All NorTex practices are furnished with a certificate to be displayed on the waiting room wall that serves to identify the practice as a site for collaborative research.
  • Participation in NorTex studies effects practice routines in varying degrees. Studies may ask for completion of brief data collection forms (only part of which need to be filled out by the practitioner). Some studies require informed consent from parents and/or patients. However, minimal disruption to your busy clinic is one of our highest priorities
  • NorTex practices are not required to participate in all studies, but they are expected to remain engaged in the network.

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