Hsc Nortex Stacked 4c Outline R Cmyk

NorTex Publication Archive


NorTex 2023 Spring Newsletter

Improving education and practice guidelines for substance use disorder among people with developmental disabilities NorTex is excited to continue our efforts to improve outcomes for people with developmental disabilities who experience substance use disorder through a new initiative funded by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities. The project, titled “Improving Education and Practice Guidelines for…
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NorTex Dinner Social

Medical Safety Workshop With Staff From Family Medicine.

NorTex 2022 Fall Newsletter

THE NORTEX NEWSLETTER An Interdisciplinary Approach to Improving Medication Safety Among Older Adults Medication errors are a significant risk for harm and even death, especially among elderly patients who have increased risk for harms. More than a third of community-dwelling adults take five or more prescription medications. Factors associated with medication errors in the outpatient…
Hsc Nortex Stacked 4c Outline R Cmyk

NorTex 2022 Publications

Hall, M., Lim, H., Kim, S., Fulda, K.G., Surve, S.A. “A cross-sectional study comparing alopecia among b-boys and b-girls to other dance styles and its impact on dance performance and health.” Journal of Dance Medicine & Science. Accepted March 2022. Spence, E. E., Prabhakar, P., Grace, J., Fulda, K. G., Thompson, E. L., & Ondersma,…