23 1257 Onepillkills 4c Hsc Lockup F1[88]

If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid addiction, reach out for help. The fentanyl crisis has already claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, and a dosage roughly the size of two grains of sand can be lethal. Please act before it’s too late. A drug drop box also is offered on campus for safe disposal of prescriptions and over-the-counter medications.

Faculty and Staff

The Employee Assistance Program is provided by ComPsych® GuidanceResources® and offers counseling, legal and financial consultation, work-life assistance and crisis intervention services to HSC employees and their dependents free of charge.


Yes, the EAP is strictly confidential. No information about participation in the program is provided to the employer.

The EAP is a referral resource when an employee expresses concerns over or suffers performance problems due to a personal issue. As a manager, it is not your job to be a professional counselor or best friend. The EAP can handle that for you.

There are many reasons for employees to take advantage of these services, including when they:

Are feeling overwhelmed by balancing work and family

Are experiencing stress, anxiety or depression

Are dealing with grief and loss

Need assistance with child or elder care

Have legal or financial questions

Have concerns about substance abuse for themselves or a dependent

All employees can experience personal difficulties that can impact their performance at work. As a manager, you can suggest the EAP to an employee as a confidential resource provided at no charge.

When employees call, they will speak with a GuidanceConsultantSM, a master’s- or PhD-level counselor who will collect some general information and will talk with them about their needs. The GuidanceConsultantSM will provide the name of a counselor who can assist them.

Yes. The EAP is a confidential benefit for employees and their household family members.

24/7 Live Assistance

Call: 855.784.1806

TRS: Dial 711

Online: guidanceresources.com

App: GuidanceNowSM



HSC students have several options for support when navigating addiction.

The Care Team can provide personal guidance and supportive resources to students and often collaborates with other offices within the campus community. The offices include the Division of Student and Academic Affairs, the Center for Academic Performance and the Police Department. The Care Team operates under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act in a nonclinical, case management capacity and does not provide psychotherapy.

To reach the Care Team, call 817-735-2740 or email careteam@unthsc.edu.

For a list of campus and community addiction and recovery services, please visit Resources for Students.


Drug Drop Box Program

As part of the HSC Fort Worth Police Department’s commitment to providing a safe campus, a drug drop box is located in the department’s lobby at 3600 Mattison Ave. The box is available 24/7 for anyone to deposit unneeded prescriptions and over-the-counter pills and gel caps. Read more about the program.