How do I submit a new Full Board Review Research Project?
Full Board Category Review | What is Full Board Review | What are the Criteria | What are some examples | How do I submit a new Project | How will I know that a Protocol has been approved | Who receives these IRB Action Notices
Investigators seeking Full Board review complete and sign an IRB Application Form, and attach all appropriate documents relevant to that particular protocol well in time for review at the next meeting. IRB meeting schedule and deadline dates are listed elsewhere on this website.
Note that investigators must submit the appropriate amount of hard-copies for proper IRB review. No E-versions of research-related documents will be accepted.
New IRB Full Board Protocol:
(1) Signed Original of the IRB New Protocol Application
(2) THREE (3) Copies of the following documents:
- IRB New Protocol Application
- Protocol Synopsis
- Informed Consent Document(s)
- Recruitment ads, flyers, questionnaires, etc.
(3) THREE (3) Copies of the following documents:
- Federal grant application (if applicable)
- Clinical Protocol (for Clinical Trials)
- Investigator’s Brochure (if applicable and for Clinical Trials)
- All Correspondence related to this protocol for the Sponsor
(4) One (1) Copy of the following documents:
- Curriculum Vitae of Principal Investigator
- Conflict of Interest (COI) for EACH listed key personnel on project
- Certificate of Training for Human Subject Research (CITI) for EACH listed key personnel on project
Please submit all protocols to the Office of Research Compliance / North Texas Regional IRB located in CBH Suite 160 during business hours (8 am – 5 pm).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Protocols in which the Principal Investigator (PI) and research members are considered John Peter Smith Health Network (JPS) personnel MUST be initially submitted to the Office of Clinical Research (OCR) located at 1500 S. Main Street, Fort Worth. For additional assistance, please contact the JPS Office of Clinical Research at 817-702-3655.
This page was last modified on March 18, 2024