Ireb Fc

Move-in day approaching for new campus building

By Eric Parker   Move-in day is coming for the Interdisciplinary Research and Education Building (IREB). The target date is Oct. 22. The five-story, 173,000-square-foot building will house and support the UNT System College of Pharmacy, the TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine, and the North Texas Eye Research Institute. The project is ahead of…
Jennifer Fix, PharmD helps in Hepatitis C Clinic

Hepatitis C clinic shows future of pharmacy

By:Jan Jarvis   The medications cost close to $100,000, but they cure hepatitis C in 12 weeks or less. And yet, some patients leave this costly prescription unused in their medicine cabinet. A phone call from pharmacist Jennifer Fix, PharmD, can turn things around and get patients on a path towards a cure for this…
Patrick Clay wins Faculty Award

Faculty award goes to professor with unique approach to teaching

By Jan Jarvis   Patrick Clay, PharmD, is known for making his classes so engaging that even the most challenging concepts involving infectious diseases are easily understood. He has used his own version of improvisational theater to train UNT System College of Pharmacy students to think on their feet, something healthcare professionals must do every…
Cox Fc

Residencies offer specialized training for future pharmacists

By Jan Jarvis   The e-mail that Brittany Cox had been anticipating arrived exactly on time. “I woke up at 7 and it came right after that,” she said. “It was such a relief to finally know what I’ll be doing for the next year.” Cox and 13 fourth-year UNT System College of Pharmacy students…
Dr. Taylor

Panel at TCU discusses effective ways to combat opioid crisis

By Jan Jarvis A nasal spray of the drug Naloxone can instantly reverse the effects of an opioid overdose and save someone’s life. At a time when 115 Americans die daily after overdosing on opioids, the drug could have a huge impact, a panel of experts said at the TCU Annual Health Care Forum “The…
Pharmacy FC 1

Innovating to solve pressing health problems

By Betsy Friauf   Innovation in health care delivery is crucial. For proof, look no further than CVS’ plan to buy Aetna or Amazon’s signal that it may begin distributing prescription drugs. For students in the UNT System College of Pharmacy who are looking to become the providers of the future, a crucial element is…
Palladino Family

Student vets proud to see UNTHSC designated a Purple Heart University

By Alex Branch Gary and Aundrea Palladino met while serving in the U.S. Air Force as pharmacy technicians at Joint Base Andrews in Washington, D.C. At the three pharmacies on base, Gary and Aundrea filled prescriptions and managed inventory, compounded IV and topical medication orders, and maintained crash carts located throughout the hospital.  Aundrea also…

Helping UNTHSC be ‘the best in pharmacy’

By Jan Jarvis   Andrew Weis grew up in a family of pharmacists. His father, mother and brother chose careers in pharmacy, as did he. “Pharmacy has been in my blood a long time,” Dr. Weis said. “Collectively my parents, brother and I have 175 years of pharmacy experience.” His dedication to the profession expanded…
Goldman Scholar

Goldman scholarship ‘means the world’ to driven student

By Jan Jarvis   Sarah Edwards has always ridden her bicycle everywhere – to high school classes and later college, to part-time jobs and everywhere else. She has no driver’s license and few options. “We’ve never really had a car,” Edwards said. “But that didn’t stop me because I’ve always been very self-driven.” That ambition…
Mark Herndon FC

Top prize in treating patients right

By Jan Jarvis UNT System College of Pharmacy student Mark Herndon had 10 minutes to research the drug that had been prescribed for a patient with Crohn’s disease. He spent his time focused on the patient and how he could make sure the man took the drug properly. When he sat down with the patient,…