UNTHSC reaches out to next generation

This summer, students from around Fort Worth and across the country are visiting UNT Health Science Center to learn about the health sciences as part of several educational outreach programs. Recently, fifth-graders from Fort Worth's Maude Logan Elementary School attended a "Mini-Med School" sponsored by the Pediatrics Club. The Health Science Center is hosting eighth-graders from Fort…

UNTHSC gets $300,000 CPRIT grant

The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) recently presented a $300,000 check to the University of North Texas Health Science Center for a cancer prevention program in South Dallas.  The check was accepted by Provost Thomas Yorio and Dean Richard Kurz from School of Public Health. These monies, part of CPRIT's $61 million inaugural grants, will fund…

Commencement is May 15 at TCU

Camille Miller, president and CEO of the Texas Health Institute (THI), will speak at the UNT Health Science Center commencement ceremonies on May 15. The ceremonies will take place at 3 p.m. in Daniel-Meyer Coliseum at Texas Christian University. Tickets are not required for admission to the commencement ceremony, and there is no limit to the…

UNTHSC honors doctors March 30

On Doctors Day 2010, the UNT Health Science Center thanks the physicians of UNT Health for their dedication and service. March 30 is designated as National Doctors Day to recognize physicians for their leadership in the prevention and treatment of illness and injury. UNT Health is home to 170 physicians representing most medical specialties. UNT…
UNTHSC FitTeens Program

UNTHSC assists law enforcement to reduce prostitution, crime rates

After two-years of research that included enforcement operations targeting prostitutes, the Dallas Police Department (DPD) is seeing the benefits of their innovative new approach of going to the streets to provide comprehensive services and a complete exit strategy for those seeking a way out of prostitution. Data evaluated at the University of North Texas Health…

UNTHSC receives positive review from SACS

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) has completed its on-site review of the UNT Health Science Center. In its verbal report-out, the SACS team said they found the Health Science Center's Compliance Certification Report acceptable in all areas with no recommendations. They found the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) focused on Higher Order Thinking acceptable…
TCOM Admissions Dean

Three Gates Millennium Scholars represent UNTHSC

Gayla Ferguson, William Nutting, and Victor Trejo, were selected as Gates Millennium Scholars. These students were successful in high school and maintained their commitment to excellence into graduate school at the Health Science Center. Ferguson, a student in the School of Public Health, was valedictorian at her high school and graduated from Baylor University prior…

Want Better Health Care? Find a New “”Home””

Earlier this month, the U.S. House of Representatives narrowly passed President Obama's landmark health care legislation. And while the president expressed hopes that he would be able to sign the bill into law before the end of this year, opponents of the plan in the Senate are likely to move the vote into 2010. That's…

Your sources for weather closing information

When the weather turns to snow and ice, check these sources for Health Science Center closing information: * Call the main phone number, 817-735-2000. This is the first and most authoritative source for weather closure information. If the Health Science Center closes for inclement weather, a special recorded message will inform you of the closing…

UNTHSC to host SACNAS students Oct. 15

UNT Health Science Center hosts diverse science students from SACNAS conference On Oct. 15, 70 undergraduate students who are part of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) will tour the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth as part of the Health Science Center's sponsorship…