UNTHSC receives positive review from SACS
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) has completed its on-site review of the UNT Health Science Center. In its verbal report-out, the SACS team said they found the Health Science Center’s Compliance Certification Report acceptable in all areas with no recommendations. They found the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) focused on Higher Order Thinking acceptable as well.
SACS will provide its site visit report within the next month. The site visit team indicated their report would contain suggestions for improvement in selected areas of the Compliance Certification Report and the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). The recommendations for the QEP will focus on linking the QEP’s goals to core competencies of the Health Science Center’s educational programs, ensuring that the QEP’s goals are defined consistently, further development of assessment strategies, and establishing additional baseline data and achievement targets.
When the Health Science Center receives the report, it will have five months to prepare an institutional response. The commission will announce the final decision on reaffirmation and any follow-up activities required by the Health Science Center at the SACS annual meeting in Louisville, Ky., in December.
In their comments, the group praised the Health Science Center’s preparation for the visit and the dedication of its faculty to student success. In addition, the group noted that they were not aware of any other health science center in the country that took the QEP and institutional goals on so aggressively, and they stated it could be used as a national model for other schools seeking reaffirmation.
The feedback from the SACS site visit team will assist the UNT Health Science Center in its pursuit of educational excellence and top-10 health science center status. The efforts of all faculty, staff, and students who contributed to the SACS reaffirmation effort are greatly appreciated. All are to be commended in this most successful outcome.
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