External Groups

External groups will be permitted the use of the UNTHSC facilities with prior approval. It is the policy of the institution to permit external groups to meet on the UNTHSC property as long as the institution’s name is not used and there is no implied endorsement by the UNTHSC.  External groups may use the UNTHSC logo to advertise the location of an approved event as long as the use is not misleading with regard to sponsorship.  External Groups will be charged a fee for use of the facilities based on an hourly rate with a minimum fee.  Fees are determined by the Room Scheduler.

External Group Hours

Monday – Friday, 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Saturday – Sunday, 7:00 am – 10:00 pm

Room Rental Rates

EAD or RES Buildings
$25 hourly charge per room with a minimum charge of $50 and a maximum charge of $300 per day, per room

MET Building
$55 hourly charge per room with a minimum charge of $110 and maximum charge of $600 per day, per room.

External Group Parking Rates –  General Surface Parking ONLY
Monday – Friday
1 to 25 $50
26 to 50 $100
51 to 75 $150
76 to 100 $200
Larger groups or individual parking, please contact the Parking Office at parking@unthsc.edu


Guidelines and Forms

If you would like to rent a room at the UNT Health Science Center, please read the External Group Guidelines on the link below.  After reading the guidelines and you decide to rent a room, please click on this Event Request Form to submit your request. The Room Scheduling Office will reply with confirmation or denial to the email address entered on the request. If you have any questions, email rooms@unthsc.edu.


Expressive Activity 

This page was last modified on January 8, 2025