Year 2 Booklist


Year 2 Booklist for Required Books ONLY

(always purchase the most recent edition and make sure to check online for free versions before you buy)

Book Name and information ISBN Courses



Atlas of Osteopathic Techniques, Nicholas, Nicholas, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2nd Edition, 2011 9781451193411 From year 1, Year 2 OMM


Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, B.G. Katzung, McGraw-Hill/Lange, 13th Edition, 2014 (online edition available) 9780071764018 From year 1, Year 2  GI2, Renal2, Cardio2,  Resp2, Heme2, Endo2, Repro2, MSS2,  Nervous2, FOBS


Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, Bickley, Lynn S., Szilagyi, Peter G., Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1st Edition,2014


From year 1 for Year 2 OMM n/a
Cardiovascular Physiology ConceptsKlabunde, Richard E., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2nd Edition, 2011


From year 1 for Year 2 Cardio2 n/a
Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple, Gladwin,Trattler, Scott, MedMaster Inc, 6th Edition, 2013 9781935660156 From year 1 for Year 2 GI2, Resp2, Heme2, MSS2 n/a
Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine, Chila, Anthony G.; Carreiro, Jane E.; Dowling, Dennis J., Lippincott Williams & Wilins, 3rd Edition,2010


From year 1 for Year 2 OMM n/a
General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System, Schuenke, Michael; Schulte, Erick; Schumacher, Udo, Thieme New York, 2nd Edition,2014


From year 1 for Year 2 OMM n/a
Glossary of Osteopathic Terms – AOA Website

From year 1 for Year 2 OMM n/a
Hacker and Moore’s Essential of Obstetrics and GynecologyHacker, Neville F.; Gambone, Joseph C.; Hobel, Calvin J.; Saunders W B Co, 6th edition, 2015 (online edition available)


Repro 2 $60.00
Human Embryology and Developmental Biology, Carlson, Bruce M., Saunders W B Co, 5th Edition, 2013 (online edition available) 9781455727940 Embryology for year 2 courses n/a
Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry, Black, Donald W., Andreasen, Nancy C., American Psychiatric Publishing Inc., 6th Edition, 2014 9781585624706 FOBS $89.00
Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals, Pozgar, George; Santucci, Nina; Pinnella, John M.D., Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 4th Edition, 2014 9781284036794 Ethics $107.00
Medical Management of Vulnerable andUnderserved Patients , King, Talmadge E. Jr., & Wheeler, Margaret B., McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition, 2016 9780071834445 Medical Practice $75.00
Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics, K. Marcdante, Saunders, 7th Edition, 2014 (online edition available) 9781455759804 Cardio 2, Resp 2 $80.00
Osteopathic Clinical Joint Exam, Stockard, Alan R., AOASM, 1st edition, 2010 (NOTE: order form can be found online at[1].pdf the book is $99 plus $10 shipping) From year 1 for Year 2 Medical Practice n/a
Pathophysiology of Heart Disease, Lilly, Leonard, Wolters Kluwer, 6th Edition, 2016 9781451192759 Cardio 2  $53.99
Robbins and Cotran: Pathologic Basis of Disease, V. Kumar, A. Abbas, and J. Aster, Saunders WB Co, 9th Edition, 2014 (online edition available) 9781455726134 From year 1 for year 2

GI2, Renal2, Cardio2, Resp2,  Heme2, Endo2,

Repro2, MSS2, Nerv2

 The Only EKG Book You’ll Ever Need, Thaler, Malcolm S.,Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 8th Edition, 2015 9781451193948 From year 1 for Year 2 Cardio2 n/a
UpToDate (provided by Dean)
ROME students only
Agricultural Medicine: Rural Occupational Health, Safety, and Prevention, Donham, Kelly J.; Thelin, Anders, Blackwell Publishing, 2nd Edition, 2014 9781284036596 ROME $115.00
An Introduction to Community HealthMckenzie, James F.; Pinger, Robert R.; Kotecki, Jerome E., Jones & Bartlett Learning, 1st Edition,2013 9781284026894 ROME $113.00
Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, Bickley, Lynn S., Szilagyi, Peter G., Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1st Edition, 2014 9781469861098 Use online edition n/a
Medical Management of Vulnerable and Underserved Patients, King, Talmadge E. Jr., & Wheeler, Margaret B., McGraw-Hill, 1st Edition, 2006 9780071443319 from year 1 ROME n/a
Total ROME in addition to others $228.00

*Always purchase the latest edition of any book listed