TCOM Curriculum Committee

graduationThe committee is responsible for defining the instructional program that best fulfills the educational program objectives, including osteopathic core competencies. Additionally, the committee is responsible for the detailed design and implementation of the components of the curriculum that enables our students to achieve those competencies and objectives. The committee regularly reviews all curriculum-related matters including curricular performance outcomes, course design and assessment, adequacy of learning resources, and academic procedures. The committee also reviews courses to ensure that it is implemented according to the provisions approved by the committee and in a manner consistent with quality medical education. The committee communicates its recommendations and findings to the TCOM Dean and the TCOM Executive Committee for approval.

All college committees that deal with curriculum matters shall report to the Curriculum Committee. The Curriculum Committee reports directly to the TCOM Dean. The TCOM Curriculum Committee currently meets the first Wednesday of each month at 5:00 pm unless otherwise specified.


Dr. Ryan Seals, Committee Chair, Senior Associate Dean, TCOM Academic Affairs


Dr. Susan Franks, Associate Professor, Family Medicine
Dr. Janet Lieto, Associate Professor, Medical Education
Dr. Damon Schranz, Associate Professor, Family Medicine
Dr. Didi Ebert, Associate Professor, Family Medicine
Dr. Raghu Krishnamoorthy, Associate Professor, CBTS, Member-at-Large
Dr. Albert Yurvati, Chair, Medical Education, Professor
S/D Rebecca Walker, Year II Student Curriculum Representative
S/D Sam Najjar, Year III Student Curriculum Representative


Dr. Andrea Gordon, Assistant Dean, Assessment and Accreditation
Dr. David Mason, Assistant Dean, Osteopathic Clinical Education
Dr. Collin, O’Hara, Year II Curriculum Director
Dr. Michael Smith, Year I Curriculum Director
S/D Jared Sloan, Year I Student Curriculum Representative
S/D Pranjal Chokshi, Year IV Student Curriculum Representative

If you have any questions, please contact: Lara Herreid, committee liaison, at