SPH Brochure Banner

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Where we want to be in the future:

Health equity in every community.


What we do on a day-to-day basis to
work toward that future:

Collaboratively create solutions for
healthier communities and equitable health systems through socially accountable,
community-centered and globally relevant education, research and service.


Why we are so committed:

To protect and improve the health and conditions of life in North Texas, the nation
and the world.

Our Guiding Principles | Commitment to Community

The School of Public Health’s guiding principles reflect a deep commitment to ethical and impactful education, research and service in alignment with HSC Values.


Statistics Research Funding 2

Transformation Education

Equip learners to remain at the forefront of their field through high-impact educational experiences.

Engaged Scholarship

Foster substantive, multi-sectoral collaborations to address complex public health challenges.

Social Accountability

Uphold human dignity and demonstrate unwavering accountability in all partnerships.

Community-Centered Approach

Seek out, honor and apply community knowledge and expertise in advancing health equity.

Global Relevance

Cultivate an ethic of pluralism, collaboration and interconnectivity by honoring the breadth, wisdom and lived experiences of all people.