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Message from the Dean

As we continue to steer the course for our School of Public Health into the future, please accept our heartfelt gratitude to all who have contributed their time, energy, intellect and dedication to the creation of our strategic plan.

IMPACT 2030 – Commitment to Community

Shaped by extensive input from our collaborators and partners, our plan charts a clear course for the future, ensuring that our commitment to advancing health equity remains unwavering. It will also guide us through to our next accreditation review in 2031.

Our promise to our students

is rooted in a transformative educational experience. You will not only gain conceptual knowledge but will be immersed in practical learning on real-world public health challenges. This practice-based approach ensures that, upon graduation, you will be competent, compassionate and community-centered professionals who are committed to advancing health equity in every community.

As a graduate of our School of Public Health, you can expect:

Relevant and Practical Learning

Our curriculum is designed to provide you with real-world insights,
allowing you to directly apply your knowledge to address population, community and health systems-level challenges.

Community-Centered Approaches

You will be equipped with the tools to work with communities effectively, recognizing and honoring their unique knowledge and expertise. Your approach will be centered on collaboration and inclusivity.

Competence in Professional Roles

Whether your path leads you to public health practice, health
administration, health policy or research, our programs ensure you are well-prepared for the dynamic and evolving landscape of public health and health administration professions.

Compassionate Leadership

We foster a culture of professionalism, empathy and understanding, emphasizing the significance of these qualities in addressing health disparities and advancing equitable solutions.

Dedication to Impact

Our commitment extends beyond your education to the profound impact you can make. Upon graduation, you not only contribute to positive change but also lead transformative initiatives, leaving an enduring mark on the communities you serve.

Our commitment to community and health sector partners

is deeply rooted in collaboration, impact and the shared goal of creating healthier communities. We understand that dependable and reliable partnerships are the cornerstone of addressing complex public health challenges, and we are dedicated to advancing health equity through socially accountable, community-centric and globally relevant education, research and service.

When you choose to partner with us, you can expect:

Collaborative Solutions

We prioritize collaborative problem-solving, actively working with our community and health sector partners to co-create solutions that address the unique health challenges that our communities face. Your experience, insights and expertise are integral to the success of our shared endeavors.

Community-Responsive Research

Our research and professional services initiatives are designed to be both responsive and relevant to the needs of communities. By partnering with us, you will work alongside leading researchers who contribute to the advancement of health equity and transformative improvements in public health.

Collective Capacity Building

We are committed to enhancing our collective capacity for community-driven solutions and workforce development. Through our parternships, we aim to develop the skills and knowledge needed to collaboratively advance health equity.


Our commitment to community extends to our partnerships. We recognize and honor the unique strengths of each community and health sector partner. We seek out, honor and apply community knowledge and expertise in advancing health equity and innovation. Together, we strive to create impactful solutions that leave no one behind.

Sustainable Impact

Sustainable and enduring impact is very important to us. Our partnerships are not transient; they are built for the long term. We are dedicated to collectively advancing the health and well-being of communities, ensuring sustained positive change.

Shared Commitments

As partners, we help advance research, policies and practices that promote health equity. Through joint efforts, we aim to inform systemic transformation that addresses the root causes of health disparities and fosters a culture of health for all.

Join us

on this journey of academic excellence, practical application and community-driven impact. Together, we will shape a future that positions us at the forefront of addressing pressing public health challenges, advancing health equity and ensuring healthier communities in North Texas and beyond.

Shafik Dharamsi, Ph.D. | Dean and Professor

School of Public Health | The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth

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