Internal Competitions

Limited Submission Opportunities

NOTE: While the Research Enhancement Assistance Program makes every effort to list all limited submission programs on this website, and to allow the maximum allowed time of 60 calendar days prior to sponsor deadline, programs may exist that are limited but not in our list to meet these deadlines. To maintain workable deadlines all faculty and staff should report any new program not listed on the website to for immediate communication to all researchers. If there is insufficient time for an internal competition to take place, an administrative decision may be made regarding which, if any, proposal(s) should be submitted.

Overall Process

1.  Announcement

Limited Submission opportunities will be announced by the Research Enhancement Assistance Program through the Limited Submissions Website, email and the Daily News. Information will include:

  • Name of sponsor and title of program
  • Internal deadline for submission of limited submission pre-proposals (no later than 60 calendar days prior to sponsor deadline)
  • Sponsor deadline
  • Description of submission limitation
  • Link to program guidelines

Investigators are encouraged to contact the Research Enhancement Assistance Program to discuss their interest in a program. Please send information by email to

2.  Preparation of Pre-Proposal and Review by Limited Submission Committee

For each competition, principal investigators are required to submit a limited submission pre-proposal by the internal deadline specified in the announcement. The pre-proposal should address the sponsoring agency’s priorities as outlined in the announcement.

The pre-proposal should be no more than 3 pages in length in 11-point font with 0.5” margins and must contain the following information:

  • Proposal title
  • Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator(s), Department and College
  • Proposed start date and duration of the project
  • Estimated (total) budget for the entire performance period
  • Summary of the project (main body of the document)

The pre-proposal should submitted using the UNTHSC Limited Proposal Submission link provided above.

The limited submission committee will convene to review the pre-proposals following review guidelines. The committee will provide a recommendation to the Vice President of Research who makes the final decision regarding the internal competition.

3.  Notification of Decision to Internal Competitors

Once the VPR approves the nominee(s), the PI and their Dean/Director as well as the Office of Sponsored Programs will be notified by email by the Research Enhancement Assistance Program. PI’s whose projects were not selected will be notified as well.

4.  Submission of Final Proposal to Sponsor

The PI selected to apply for a limited submission opportunity has the responsibility to submit the application in a timely manner.

Should the candidate wish to decline the nomination, they need to do so in writing within 5 business days of selection notification to

Research Enhance Award Program (REAP) (i.e. Seed Grant Competitions)

Developed by The President’s Research Council and the VPR’s Research Advisory Committee, a series of new research enhancement programs will roll out soon. The programs described below will be managed by the Research Enhancement Award Program (REAP).

Early Stage Investigator (ESI)

The Early Stage Investigator (ESI) Pilot Grants Program awards are intended to assist early-stage faculty investigators launch their independent research careers in an HSC mission-oriented research program. The awards may be used for the collection of preliminary data, equipment, or research assistance necessary to strengthen an extramural grant application. Applications for both clinical and basic science research are encouraged. Applicants must be early-stage investigators, as defined by the NIH. An ESI is a principal investigator who has completed their terminal degree or post-graduate clinical training within the past 10 years and who has not previously competed successfully as PI for a major NIH independent research award.

Applicants can request up to $50,000 for one year. A faculty member can submit only one application per funding cycle; unfunded proposals may be resubmitted one time with revisions. The maximum project period is 12 months.

Early Stage Investigator Application 

HSC Bridge Funding Program (BFP)

The HSC Bridge Funding Program (BFP) provides up to 12 months of support for full-time faculty members to maintain their HSC mission-oriented research activities during a lapse in funding and resubmit more competitive grant applications for successful funding. Typically, applicants have been unsuccessful in a recent attempt to renew or replace a major federal grant (e.g., R01) but are likely to be funded upon resubmission of a revised application based on the overall impact score and summary statement/critiques of the previously unsuccessful application.

Applications are evaluated by an ad hoc review committee formed for each application.  Applicants must demonstrate that their research program is jeopardized by the lack of extramural funding, that they have one or more rounds of unfunded extramural applications, and that they will contribute a significant portion of their available discretionary or start-up funds to maintain their lab.  The number of proposals funded will depend on available funds and the number of meritorious, qualified applications received. Awards will be for up to $75,000 for up to one year.

Support of the Department/School/Administrative Unit(s), including documentation of the financial commitment to the applicant and a statement that the Unit(s) will provide a significant amount (e.g., one-third) of the BFP award.

Bridge Funding Program Application

Team Science (TS)

The Team Science program is designed to encourage and financially support applications for individual investigative teams to address HSC mission-oriented research programs with a goal of submitting a new NIH application for a federally-funded long-term Program/Center grant or Cooperative Agreement Program award.  Using start-up resources from Departments, Colleges and the Office of the VPR to coordinate and develop a multi-year program application, these efforts can have a higher success rate and encourage further expansion of mission-oriented team-based research areas at HSC.

Since this Team Science initiative is designed as an annual program, there is no limit on the number of applications that can be submitted for consideration.  Applications will be due April 15 each year. A maximum of up to $200,000 inclusive of any unit match funds over a two-year period per application; special attention will be given to the fiduciary credibility of the proposed Team Science budget and research plan. Funding will be released as major components of the project are completed (by meeting SMART goals). Up to three awards per year may be made. The Team Science Program will have internal review by PRC and RAC members as well as external content experts, if needed.

The President’s Research Council (PRC) and the HSC Research Advisory Committee (RAC) have worked diligently to design these internal support programs to enhance the research enterprise at HSC. Their ongoing commitment to review applications and assist faculty with follow-up grant-editing of REAP awarded proposals speaks well to our Be Visionary and Collaborative Values at HSC.

On their behalf, I invite you to consider how any one of these opportunities can meet your discovery involvement with our One University strategic research missions.  Moreover, I wish you well with this and all of your other journeys of Transformative Discovery.

Team Science (TS) Program 2022

Brian A. Gladue, PhD
Executive Vice President for Research and Innovation