
Robotic glove may help rehab stroke patients

  Initial rehabilitation therapy for many stroke victims may focus on regaining the ability to walk. But when hands also are affected, therapy focused only on the legs can leave hand muscles contracted, a condition that can be difficult to overcome. A new, soft robotic glove that can open and close a patient’s hand may…
Sleep Apnea Research Brandy Roane

A more patient-friendly solution for sleep apnea

Masks worn by those with sleep apnea can leak at night and be so uncomfortable that they often drive users away from treatment. But a new system being developed by researchers at UNT Health Science Center and The University of Texas at Arlington could make it easier for the estimated 18 million people with sleep…
Cdiff study UNTHSC FC

Study: Bacteria found on high-touch areas in health facilities

A germ that causes fever and nausea can be found at health care facilities on bed rails, computer keyboards and door handles, according to a collaborative project from UNT Health Science Center and the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council Foundation. The study recommends more vigorous cleaning and infection control measures in health care facilities, and awareness…

Investigating the link between sleep apnea and high blood pressure

When people with sleep apnea stop breathing at night, it’s no surprise that their blood pressure goes up. But what’s less well known is that it stays that way, long after one’s breathing returns to normal. Researchers at UNT Health Science Center want to figure out why and hope that discovery will lead to better…
Feature Card Laszlo Prokai July22

Treating hot flashes without the side effects

Experimental drug could treat hot flashes, other symptoms of menopause without harmful side effects Researchers have discovered an experimental medication that treats hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms without the life-threatening risks of hormone replacement therapy, according to a team led by a UNT Health Science Center scientist. In a study appearing in the July…
Sid Obryant Sheryl Sewell Leigh Johnson FC

Children continue mother’s legacy with Alzheimer’s research gift

More than 40 years ago, Jareen Schmidt founded the J.E.S. Edwards Foundation to support issues dear to her heart, such as health and wellness in Fort Worth. So when Alzheimer’s disease required her to transfer Foundation leadership duties to her children, they knew how to continue her legacy. The foundation made a gift to advance…
Hongli Wu FC

Stopping a disabling eye disease

What if you couldn’t see well enough to drive, read or cook, or even recognize the face of your child or best friend? That happens to many people who have age-related macular degeneration (AMD). About 15 million Americans have the disease, according to the American Society of Retina Specialists. AMD is the No. 1 reason…
Shaohua Yang stroke research FC

A wider window for treating stroke

When someone has a stroke, there’s a very narrow window – three hours or less –when the drug tPA can be used to dissolve blood clots and restore blood flow. But few people benefit from this treatment because they don’t get care fast enough, said Shaohua Yang, PhD, MD, Professor of Pharmacology and Neuroscience. By…
Rebecca Cunningham Research FC

Is there a testosterone link to Parkinson’s?

Parkinson’s disease affects more men than women, but no one knows why. Understanding what puts men at a two- to-three times greater risk of this progressive neurological disorder, best known for causing tremors, could shed light on this condition and one day lead to medications to treat it, said Rebecca Cunningham, PhD, Assistant Professor of…
Dr Bob Luedtke FC WEB

Research seeks way to block euphoria associated with cocaine use

Research underway at UNT Health Science Center could lead to a medication to treat cocaine addiction. Cocaine is a highly addictive drug, and about 80 percent of cocaine abusers relapse six months after leaving a rehabilitation facility.  A medication that could block the effects of cocaine might be useful as part of a rehabilitation program.…