HSC Coaching-Up Program


AISD/UNTHSC Coaching-Up Program

The Arlington Independent School District’s (AISD), Crowley Independent School District and UNT Health Science Center’s (UNTHSC) Initiative to increase diversity in STEM higher education.

Program Goals

  • Stimulate and broaden student’s awareness of biomedical and health professional careers paths by exposing AISD students to clinical and laboratory research environments at UNTHSC.
  • Create a sustainable network that increases student’s persistence by providing a mentoring program with UNTHSC students.

Anticipated Outcomes

  • Increased enrollment of students in AP STEM courses.
  • Increased performance among students in AP STEM courses.
  • Increased retention of students in AP STEM courses.
  • Increased number of students entering and earning college degrees in STEM.




Coachingup Coachingup