Center for Older Adults

Nursing Home Workforce Training

CNA in a nursing home assists older adult man.

Learning modules for certified nurse assistants

Creating Meaningful Activities for Residents

Older adults who have dementia benefit from feeling engaged and productive. Facilities offer activities and entertainment to encourage social interaction, reduce anxiety, stimulate the brain, and inspire feelings of accomplishment among their residents.

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Engage at Every Stage: Promotion and Support of Activity and Safe Mobility

This module will help increase your knowledge of the common characteristics of the stages of cognitive decline. We can learn when to use which strategies to help support and care for our residents based on their level of cognitive impairment.

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Dementia and Behavioral Health Medications

Have you ever experienced a resident whose behavior became aggressive? This module will help you increase your knowledge of psychotropic medications’ benefits and risks in managing dementia-related behaviors.

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Nonpharmacological Approaches to Behavioral Management

Have you ever experienced a resident whose behavior became aggressive? This module will help you develop new strategies to manage dementia-related behaviors before seeking a medication solution.

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Promotion of Oral Hygiene

Have you ever struggled to help a resident brush their teeth? This module outlines seven strategies to assist people living with dementia maintain their oral health.

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ICARE (Infection Control Advocate and Resident Education)

ICARE LogoICARE is a seven-lesson learning and advocacy program created to educate, engage and empower everyone in a nursing home community to practice infection control while ensuring quality care and respecting resident rights. Each lesson is 15 minutes or less, can be taken in any order, and lends itself to group or individual study. Printable flyers on the topics accompany all lessons.

Use the links below to view the ICARE resources and materials designed and available for specific groups below:

Use the ICARE resources to gain a foundational knowledge of infection prevention and control and discover what you can do to engage in self-advocacy.

Explore ICARE materials to learn how you can start taking small steps to implement high-quality infection prevention and control practices at your facility.

Discover our extensive collection of ombudsman and advocate educational materials and learn what you can do to support nursing home residents in your community.