Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

What is imagery?

What is Imagery?

therapy is a cognitive-behavioral technique, sometimes referred to as
“visualization”, in which a patient is guided in imaging a relaxing
scene or series of experiences.

Imagery helps the user access the emotional control center of the brain
to influence various bodily systems, including the immune system, which
in turn can alter the body’s healing abilities.

Strengthening the body’s healing ability has been shown to enhance healing and improve the quality of life of cancer patients.

have been significant advances that imagery counseling contributes to
the healing process and quality of life of cancer patients, yet the use
of imagery in modern medical care of cancer patients has not been
incorporated into the standard care of the cancer patient.

overall goal of this project is to initiate a strategy for integrating
imagery into the care of cancer patients through resource development
and distribution for convenient access, thus placing choices for hope
and optimism in the hands of patients and their loved ones.

Primary Care Research Journal, Vol. 8 (1), p 8, 2011