Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine


Cancer is undeniably one of the greatest personal challenges that anyone or any family may face.

For many, the diagnosis brings with it a great deal of fear, uncertainty, and a feeling of a loss of personal power and control.

Such losses and emotional challenges create an enormous cost to quality of life and to the very essence of what a patient should be able to bring to any therapeutic regimen.

Many cancer patients are not aware of the importance of the human spirit until they are lost in despair.

It is often through life challenges that we can better know the personal missions that we serve on this earth and what changes in lifestyle and attitudes are required to discover our own true purpose in healing.

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That Cancer Show™, a service of Cornucopia Cancer Support Center in Durham, NC, aired a program on October 21, 2012 called “Use Your Head: The Value of Guided Imagery,” that profiled the TRIUMPH program. Additional information about Cornucopia and the radio program is available at www.cancersupport4u.org.

Please listen in as contributing author, Dr. Frank Lawlis, Director, Dr. Susan Franks, and breast cancer survivor, Jeanie Griffin speak about the use and importance of guided imagery.