Wanted: Blood donations to save lives during Labor Day weekend
Here are some sobering facts:
- More than 42,000 people will be hurt in traffic accidents this Labor Day weekend, according to the National Safety Council.
- A car accident victim may need 100 pints of transfused blood.
Blood donation is more critical than ever, and you can help.
What: Carter BloodCare blood drive, open to the public
When: 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 5
Atrium, Carl E. Everett Education and Administration Building
3500 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth
campus map
Traffic accident victims tend to need a lot of blood because they often suffer more than one injury, said Arvind Nana, MD, Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at UNTHSC.
Some of these patients trigger a "massive transfusion protocol," Nana said. "The blood bank keeps four units of blood always available for a certain time after admission."
At John Peter Smith Hospital, a Level 1 trauma center, the average trauma patient needs at least one unit of blood, regardless of whether he or she is injured in a traffic accident or in some other fashion, he said.
Help UNTHSC continue its award-winning upward trend in total blood donations during its bi-monthly drives. This July, the campus donated 27 percent more blood than in July 2012.
Donors save lives, plus they receive points redeemable online for their choice of gifts.
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