PT professor among select few to complete fellowship
By Alex Branch
Yasser Salem, PHD, PT, is among the first 100 physical therapists in the United States to complete the Education Leadership Institute of the American Physical Therapy Association.
The yearlong fellowship is designed to “develop innovative and influential leaders in physical therapy education who can function within a changing politico-sociocultural environment.” The program connects participants to experienced academic administrators and highly qualified faculty for mentoring and peer networking.
“I’m delighted by this fellowship and will do my best to uphold the Education Leadership Institute’s values of excellence,” said Dr. Salem, UNT Health Science Center Professor of Physical Therapy.
Dr. Salem has received several national and state teaching, research, service, and leadership awards, including the recent “Leadership in Education” award from the Academy of Education of the American Physical Therapy Association.
He has served in leadership roles for the American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education, Commission in Accreditations in Physical Therapy Education, Academic Council in Physical Therapy Education and World Confederation/Congress of Physical Therapy
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