Amy FC 1

A champion of the underdog

By Alex Branch   Amy Raines Milenkov, MPH, DrPH, has always cared about the underdog. She cared about the low-income women and children afflicted with HIV or AIDS who she helped as a social worker in the 1990s, when life-saving drug cocktails were only emerging. She cared for the vulnerable families she served at health…
ped FC

Transitional Care Conference to seek ways to address families’ needs

By Jan Jarvis   Soon after their daughter Kendall was born, Jocalyn and Justin Briggs were told their baby would not live past her third birthday. Now 8, Kendall is thriving with the help of an army of health care providers that includes physical, occupational and speech therapists. Her parents want to do everything possible…

On the road again

By Jan Jarvis   After being sidelined since May, the Pediatric Mobile Clinic is on the road again providing health care to uninsured children in Tarrant County. The specially equipped Pediatric Mobile Clinic was parked in its usual spot near the UNT Health Science Center campus when it was struck overnight by another vehicle May…
David Lar web

Steps to prevent swimmer’s ear’

Swimming and the Fourth of July naturally go together. And a few simple precautions can prevent a common complaint at this time of year. "Swimmer's ear" is an inflammation of the ear canal. When water enters the ear canal and does not properly drain, the ear canal can get irritated and infected. David Lar, MD,…
Mobile Clinic Estaban and Laura Standish Web

Mobile clinic overcomes obstacles to keep kids healthy

When the Pediatric Mobile Clinic pulled into the Northside neighborhood, Beatric Rodriguez was waiting with her 3-year-old son, Esteban, who she brought in for a checkup. "I am thankful this clinic is here because without it, I couldn't afford to take my son to the doctor," she said. Helena Castanoa brought her two children for…
billboard crop

New year brings allergic assault from the south, UNTHSC expert warns

Just when you thought it was safe to breathe again, the new year brings a new allergy.  December's sub-freezing temperatures quelled ragweed and many other allergens. But mountain cedar (actually ashe juniper, a small tree native to Central Texas) has been pumping out pollen that is blown into North Texas by prevailing south winds, said…