Student Spotlight – Jennifer Ra

February 10, 2021 • Uncategorized

Name/Class: Jennifer Ra, HSC College of Pharmacy, Class of 2022Jravaccination

Hometown: Frisco, Texas

Jennifer is an Emergency Department Pharmacy Intern in an in-patient environment where she recently got the COVID-19 vaccine. When she was a P1, she was eager to meet new people and met upperclassmen who connected her to this internship. Her career goal is to work as a clinical pharmacist in Emergency Medicine.

How has COVID-19 affected your position in the pharmacy?
We have reduced face-to-face time with our patients, but now our department has found innovative and creative ways to engage with our patients. COVID has also given us opportunities to grow as a department and as individuals.

What is the most rewarding part of your position?
Even though we may not get to see our patients face-to-face anymore, I still can see the impact of our pharmacy team in direct patient care. Even though our job looks a little different for now, our quality and impact has not changed.

What has this experience taught you about being a pharmacist?
A textbook can only teach you so much. Learning comes to whomever is willing and open to adapt. You will never be 100% prepared for everything life throws your way, but with an open mind, anything is possible.