
Nomarski Interferance Image of neurons in cell culture

Differential Interference Contrast image of neurons in cell culture

Click on the resource you want to reserve/see the schedule for
Zeiss LSM 880 Confocal Inverted Microscope with AiryScan and AiryScan Fast Mode
Zeiss LSM 880 Confocal Upright Microscope with Multiphoton Laser
Zeiss LSM 510 Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope
Image Analysis Workstation

Only those who have been issued a user name and password for a specific resource can reserve that piece of equipment. If you cannot make a reservation contact a staff member for assistance. There is a maximum limit of 4 hours that a researcher may reserve on any one weekday (Monday – Friday) between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. 


Below are links to Zen lite and Image J that you can click on, download and install on your own computer.  It will allow you to view your .lsm and .czi files and do some image analysis (Image J).

Zen Lite (Blue Edition)