Paula E Gregory
Paula E. Gregory, Ph.D.
- University of Southern Mississippi, B.S. Biology, 1977
- University of Southern Mississippi, M.S. Cell Biology, 1979
- Tulane University, Ph.D. Cancer Cytogenetics, 1988
- University of Alabama at Birmingham, Post Doc, Cell & Molecular Bio, 1986-1990
- University of Michigan, Post Doc, Genetics, 1990-1991
Personal Bio
My research expertise is in the area of hereditary cancer predisposition. I have worked in the area of cancer genetics my entire career. For nearly 30 years I have been involved in training and education programs directed at high school students and teachers, undergraduate and medical student research experiences and junior faculty career development.
AT NHGRI I was the first Director of the Genetics Education Office and oversaw a variety of training programs there, including the Summer Internship Program for the NHGRI Intramural labs. That program received well over 2,000 application/year. After my move to the Ohio State University, I was awarded an R25 from the NCI that funded summer cancer research experiences for medical students. As the PI, I was responsible for recruitment, placement of students and coordination of all programmatic aspects of the program. Another R25 from the NCI supported a high school cancer education program.
I have been Co-Director of the Tulane MSCR program for over ten years and am the Co-Director of the LACaTS Professional Development Core. Based on my expertise, I was named the first Assistant Dean for Medical Student Research. I have been awarded NIH T35 funding from NHLBI, NIDDK and NIAAA to support medical student summer research internships; these students are placed with junior faculty mentors and assist them in their research. Our NCI P20 award created a Cancer Research Education Program for summer internships focused on URM undergraduate and medical students at LSUHSC. My current position as the UNTHSC Associate Dean for Faculty and Educational Development expands on my previous work. With 30 years of experience establishing, coordinating and evaluating research training programs, I am uniquely qualified to work on this mentored research training project.
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