Division of Academic Innovation

Canvas Quizzes and New Quizzes

Quizzes in Canvas are assignments that can be used to challenge student understanding and assess comprehension of course material. The quiz tool is used to create and administer online assessments (formative, summative, data collection, etc). You can also use quizzes to conduct and moderate exams and assessments, both graded and ungraded. Participants will have an opportunity to explore the various assessment tools from creating assignments, deploying tests and quizzes, and building rubrics. Attend this workshop to find out what are the most efficient and effective uses of the Canvas assessment tools.

Session Objectives:

  • Identify that the term quiz in Canvas can refer to a quiz or test.
  • Differentiate each of the four types of quizzes: graded quiz, ungraded quiz, graded survey, and ungraded survey.
  • Create multiple-choice, matching, multiple answers, multiple drop-down, fill in the blank, fill in multiple blanks, true/false, and essay questions in Quizzes.
  • View Quiz Statistics after a quiz has been completed.
  • Moderate a quiz to allow an individual student to have extra time or extra attempts.
  • Adjust quiz settings to set a time limit, adjust the number of available attempts, set an access code, or determine whether students can see the correct answers after quiz completion.
  • Add feedback to correct and incorrect quiz responses.
  • Create a question bank and add questions to it.
  • Link question banks to a quiz.
  • Pull random questions from a question bank into a quiz.
  • Regrade a quiz after re-keying a question.

New Quizzes is an assessment engine that integrates with Canvas as an LTI tool and replaces the classic quizzes functionality currently existing in Canvas. As we prepare for the transition to New Quizzes from the current default of Classic Quizzes in Canvas we will view the features of the new quiz tool. You can click here to compare the features of Canvas Classic Quizzes | New Quizzes in the Feature Comparison document created by Instructure (Canvas’s Parent Company). Instructors can use New Quizzes to create assessments using a variety of questions types. New Quizzes assessments display as assignments on the Assignments page and can be duplicated. Students can take New Quizzes assessments within their Canvas courses.

Session Objectives:

  • Identify question types and features in New Quizzes.
  • Apply settings on a New Quiz.
  • Shuffle questions/answers, manage what students see upon completion and submission of the quiz.
  • Create questions in a New Quiz.
  • Preview the quiz utilizing student view.
  • Create Quiz Banks.
  • Add tags to questions in Quiz Banks to categorize.

Important Note: This session is eligible for CE credit. QRCode Rievent Claim_Credit_Form


Nov 18 2021


11:45 am - 1:00 pm


LIB 400