Accessing UNT/TACC HPC Allocations: A Step-by-Step Guide

The University of North Texas (UNT) Denton and the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) have formed a collaborative initiative aimed at offering researchers an avenue to leverage cutting-edge high-performance computing (HPC) resources. Through this partnership, UNT and HSC researchers gain access to the robust computational capabilities provided by TACC, along with user support services facilitated by the UNT Denton Research IT team.

This collaborative effort aims to empower researchers with enhanced computational resources and comprehensive assistance, fostering an environment conducive to advanced and impactful research endeavors.

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Coffee & Learn: 10X Instrument Launch for Single Cell and Spatial Genomics 

Join us (register here) for an exclusive learn event organized by the Genomics Core in collaboration with 10x Genomics, where we will highlight our recent acquisitions—the Chromium X Series and Visium CytAssist. This event, scheduled for June 22 at 10AM in RES-326, offers a unique opportunity to explore the cutting-edge technologies that are transforming genomics research.

With the Chromium X Series, we delve into the world of single-cell genomics, unraveling cellular complexities with unprecedented resolution. Additionally, we introduce the Visium CytAssist, enabling spatial genomics to study tissue samples in their native context. Engage in keynote presentations, live demonstrations, Q&A sessions, and networking opportunities to discover how these powerful tools can advance your research. Don't miss out on this exciting event that holds the promise of unlocking new frontiers in genomics.

Unlocking New Possibilities: Introducing the KingFisher Duo Prime System

Introducing an automated nucleic acid purification platform in the Genomics Core - KingFisher Duo Prime System. This state-of-the-art technology enables efficient extraction of DNA and RNA from various sample types with high purity and yield, streamlining workflows and reducing contamination risks. The system's versatility and automation capabilities enhance research capabilities, allowing for increased sample throughput and improved efficiency.

A comprehensive training session is scheduled for June 21st to equip researchers with the necessary skills to maximize the potential of the KingFisher Duo Prime System.

Training Details:
2:30PM-4:00PM (RES-326) - Lecture 
4:00PM-4:30PM (RES-126) - Instrument Dry Demo 

Bioinformatics seminar on April 19th

Genomics Core is organizing an in-person seminar session on April 19th, Wednesday to introduce researchers to the Qiagen CLC and IPA software packages.

Please RSVP to Dr. Taegun Kwon for more details about the session and a 1:1 meeting with the experts if interested. The seminar will take place in RES-326 from 1 to 2:30pm.

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Genomics Core acquiring new single-cell technologies

Genomics Core is excited to announce the upcoming arrival of Chromium X Series and Visium CytAssist from 10x genomics. These cutting-edge platforms will provide researchers with powerful new tools for single-cell genomics and spatial transcriptomics research.

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