Institute of Applied Genetics (IAG)


The Institute of Applied Genetics (IAG), founded in 2009, is an Institute of Excellence that focuses on the use of genetics to improve quality of life and safety of society.  The IAG functions as an interdisciplinary research institute under the auspices of the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth (UNTHSC).  The IAG serves as a professional research, training and service institute in which interdisciplinary experts in genetics, genomics, microbiology, molecular biology, biostatistics and other related disciplines carry out research, development, and service to support the needs of society.  The main areas of interest include human and microbial forensics, human genetic disease studies, emerging and infectious disease diagnostics and biodefense. The IAG is comprised of three centers:  Center for Human Identification (CHI), Center for Biosafety and Biosecurity (CBB) and Center for Computational Genomics (CCG).  The CHI’s main research and diagnostics efforts focus on human identity testing related to missing persons identification, human trafficking, paternity testing and criminal casework. The CBB’s research focus is to develop strategic initiatives and provide tools for rationale, design, and conduct of infectious disease investigations, including those related to microbial forensic investigations and biodefense matters.  The CCG provides analytical study designs and data interpretational services for supporting the mission of the IAG.



Bruce Budowle, PhD

Professor, Executive Director of IAG

3500 Camp Bowie Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76107