Office of Wellness Services to Change Their Name to Office of Care and Civility

UNTHSC Campus Community,

We are excited to share an update from the Division of Student Affairs. Effective May 1st, the Office of Wellness Services will transition to a new name: Office of Care & Civility.

The team recently had an opportunity to examine the purpose and scope of programs and services offered through the Office of Wellness Services. The name change to Office of Care & Civility will provide better clarity and alignment with the outcomes we desire for all students and our campus community. Additionally, student conduct will now be housed within the Office of Care & Civility. Care Team and Student Conduct are often integrated within the same office on university campuses. This integration supports a restorative practice approach to help guide comprehensive care and education of our students.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Emily Mire, Director, Office of Care & Civility.