HSC Assets Offsite

HSC Asset Coordinators –

We have exiting news to share as discussed in our Asset Q&A III training sessions. Our updated PCR procedure will be implemented Friday, June 14, 2019. The PCR will no longer be submitted to Property Control for the Property Manager’s signature.

We are currently processing the PCRs previously sent to us and will be sending them to you as soon as completed. Any new PCRs we receive in our office will be returned to the department Asset Coordinator for their EIS entries.

Procedures for Property Taken Offsite

Offsite equipment remains on inventory and must be accounted for during the annual inventory certification. Even though the department is allowing the equipment to be used offsite, the Department Head is still responsible for it. Keep the location information updated in EIS to avoid having to report any offsite equipment as missing.

The Accountable Department Head is responsible for maintaining inventory records for the department, including location data, and must present everything regarding assets upon request. Offsite assets should be frequently tracked, reviewed, and updated. Persons using property offsite are required to acknowledge accountability for the property in their possession by signing the PCR form.

Departments may allow assets to be used offsite for official State of Texas business or by approved exception. The Department Asset Coordinator must make everyone who is taking assets offsite aware of his/her responsibility and liability concerning using State of Texas equipment.

The completed PCR form is maintained by the department. Do not submit it to Property Control. The Department Asset Coordinator must update the location and custodian information for the loaned asset using EIS Financial Management (Update an Asset). They will declare the asset being offsite by checking the offsite box. It is recommended to use the “Comments” field to insert any additional information (address, out of state or country). When property is returned to the department, the Department Asset Coordinator will uncheck the offsite option in EIS.

Property Custody Receipt form:


Procedures can be found under the website when the website is updated by our Digital Content specialists.

Central Services Training and Procedures