Extension to December Check-In Due Date

Dear HSC Team,

Earlier this year, we launched two new performance management systems – Interfolio for faculty and PeopleAdmin for staff. In setting up these two systems, one of the goals was for team members to establish Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) that are aligned with HSC’s strategic roadmap and departmental objectives. Another goal was to build in regular meetings between supervisors and their team members so meaningful feedback can be provided.

Thank you to those of you who have already completed your December Check-Ins. In an effort to ensure all supervisors have adequate time to meet with their team members for the first Check-In meeting, we are extending the due date from December 23rd to January 31st.

This does not change the overall timeline other than this one due date being shifted forward. For staff, the due date will be edited in PeopleAdmin to reflect January 31st. For faculty, the due date will continue to show as December 23rd in Interfolio, but the system will allow input of OKR completion notes after that date.

Additionally, I want to reiterate that these Check-In meetings are meant to ensure ongoing, engaging conversation about the status of OKR targets rather than being seen as mini-annual evaluations.

For this year’s evaluation cycle, team members’ focus should be successfully achieving the overall global objectives, and learning how to effectively implement OKRs and Check-In meetings. Additional training and resources will be offered in 2021. If you have specific items you would like to be covered, please feel free to reach out to our HSC Campus HR team at HSC.HR@untsystem.edu.

Thanks for all you do for HSC.



Dr. Michael R. Williams