DAY 4: Core Lab Microscopy GRAND OPENING

Join us during this week long event to learn more about the new equipment that has been added to our UTNHSC core research labs and how you can utilize them in your research.


September 13 from 11:30am – 1pm in RES 218: Carl Zeiss Microscopy Lunch & Learn – Super Resolution & 2 Photon Microscopy

Join us to tour 3 of our newly relocated and updated Core Labs- Flow Cytometry, Genomics and Microscopy. Then, attend vendor presentations to learn about the capabilities of our new equipment throughout our Grand Opening Week.

Meet with vendors & enjoy light refreshments throughout the Grand Opening Week!
Please email for any questions you may have.
Details subject to change.
Follow our social media for more information on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn at @unthscinnovates