Call for Abstracts-16th Annual Texas Conference on Health Disparities

We are inviting all HSC students/faculty/staff to submit an abstract for our upcoming conference. This year’s conference is focused on Community Approaches to Health Equity and will be held virtually from June 10-11th, 2021. Registration is FREE, but all attendees must register (link is also included below).

Accepted presenters will be asked to pre-record their poster presentation (approximately 5 minutes) to be showcased during the conference. Posters will be housed in an online portal and will be available to view throughout the conference. A few selected posters will be awarded Spotlight designation and will also be featured in between conference sessions.

We hope this conference will bring together participants from various disciplines to encourage conversations on this topic and promote future collaborations. If you believe your work helps address health disparities, we would like to hear your story! We sincerely hope you will consider applying.

Submit Abstract now:
