The Center for Student Life invites you to participate in the Fall Festival for HSC Campus!
Thursday, October 27th from 5:00 – 7:00 pm on the MET Field.
This event is open to the entire HSC community and is a great way to showcase your office or student organization. We are looking for groups to sponsor booths and provide activities. You are welcome to provide swag, handouts, candy, an activity, sell items, etc. The Center for Student Life will be sponsoring Dosey Dough, a pumpkin patch, food and snacks, and HSC swag. Each booth will be provided with a table and two chairs.
If you would like to sponsor a booth, please fill out the form below. The deadline to register is Friday, October 14th at 8:00 am.
If you have any questions, please contact Roxanne Quiroz at