Dr. Adrian Denvir & Nicole Reilley

Dr. Adrian Denvir is a technologist and entrepreneur with more than 30 years of experience generating revenue from new scientific discovery, business development, client services, and commercial contracting. In 2022, Denvir became the director of HSC Next SBIR Phase 0 Program, a Tarrant County-funded program that assists small businesses in pursuing SBIR/STTR funding.

Nicole Reilley is an entrepreneur and communications professional with a passion for public relations. Reilley joined HSC in 2022 as the communications and outreach specialist for the HSC Next SBIR Phase 0 Program. She created and is implementing branding and outreach strategies for the SBIR Phase 0 Program to help connect entrepreneurs to nondilutive funding opportunities.

Department Details: HSC Next has developed a free program that helps small businesses apply for federal money through America’s Seed Fund which seeks to assist small businesses in bringing new technologies to market. The money that companies receive doesn’t have to be repaid and companies keep 100% ownership of their business and intellectual property.

While the grants are great, it can be difficult to apply for the funding. The HSC Next SBIR Phase 0 Program takes qualified companies through a month-long program that guides them through the application process, increasing the likelihood of receiving an SBIR award. For the program, companies:

· Meet 2 hours a week where they receive training on how to prepare a proposal.

· Are paired with an SBIR expert who will provide one-on-one guidance.

· Can receive a free commercialization report that provides insight into where the company’s technology fits in the marketplace.

What’s the best way to work with your team? Visit SBIRphase0.com to apply to be a part of our program. The application takes 20 minutes to complete and asks for basic information about your innovation. This will help our team assess whether there is a funding opportunity available through America’s Seed Fund.

Who are the best points of contact in your department? Nicole Reilley/Adrian Denvir

Additional Resources:  LinkedIn