Tomorrow! New outdoor/indoor messaging system to be TESTED Dec. 22. DO NOT call police–only a TEST!

UNTHSC will test a new outdoor and indoor messaging system this Saturday, Dec. 22, between 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.

What to expect from INDOOR Test
• You will hear multiple pre-recorded messages indoors of actual emergency messages that you would receive in an emergency. The messages will NOT begin and end with the words “this is a test,” but remember: THIS IS ONLY A TEST!

What to expect from OUTDOOR Test
• You will hear a message saying, “This is a Test” outdoors. You may be able to hear this message inside UNTHSC buildings as well.
• The message may occur multiple times in order to test and make any necessary adjustments to this new system.
• Please note, fire alarms and strobe lights should not go off during this time.

Please email or call 817-735-2697 if you have any questions.