The HSC Lewis Library continues seeking submissions to the Narrating COVID at HSC digital project, to forever capture the unusual times we are going through during COVID-19.
All of us can contribute to this project—faculty, staff, students and alumni—as we each experience COVID’s impacts in our unique ways.
How has COVID impacted you? You’re invited to narrate and share your experiences about any aspects that are especially meaningful to you, such as:
• Joining the ranks of medical professionals during a pandemic as a new graduate.
• Learning in a remote environment, defending your dissertation virtually, or experiencing virtual celebratory HSC events.
• Working at the HSC COVID-19 test site or partnering with Tarrant County Public Health to fight the virus.
• Sharing information with local news media to inform our community.
• Researching vaccines and treatments.
• Transitioning and teaching courses in an online format.
• Assisting the community in different ways during the pandemic.
• Navigating changes during this time as a parent or expectant parent.
• Working and/or managing teams remotely to keep vital services going.
• Providing essential services at the HSC campus during the pandemic.
• Coping with the loss of a family member, patient or friend due to COVID-19.
• Keeping up social connections and finding ways to remain optimistic during this worldwide event (exercising, hobbies, volunteering, etc.).
All media are accepted: PDFs, Word documents, text files, images, videos or audio files.
You control how private you want your contributions to be by completing a submission form detailing your privacy options.
The purpose of Narrating COVID at HSC is to collect, preserve, index and make available for use a historical record of the impact of COVID-19 on the HSC community. Historians, scholars, future students, medical professionals, health experts, HSC administrators and others will want to understand and learn about how we responded to the pandemic.
“Narrating COVID-19 at HSC was born out of the desire to preserve in the HSC Archives the inclusive narratives of faculty, students, staff and alumni,” said Betty Shankle, Records and Archives Manager. “Thinking about how COVID-19 has affected each of us, our campus and how we will be forever changed by the circumstances in which we find ourselves, I realized that we each have a unique story to tell, and no one can express that experience as well as we can.”
Questions can be emailed to