Powerful attractions and dangerous landscapes: A guide for performing complex bimanual tasks

Powerful attractions and dangerous landscapes: A guide for performing complex bimanual tasks

Thursday, May 9, 2019

12PM – 1PM

CBH 240

Dr. Deanna Kennedy is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health and Kinesiology and the Director of the Motor Neuroscience Lab in the Center for Translational Research in Aging and Longevity at Texas A&M University. Her research addresses theoretical questions related to motor synergies and bimanual coordination as well as more applied questions that have important implications for stroke rehabilitation and aging. Dr. Kennedy has over 20 published manuscripts in such journals as: Experimental Brain Research, Neuroscience Letters, and Psychological Review. In addition, she has over 30 national and international presentations. Dr. Kennedy currently teaches Lifespan Motor Development, Developmental Issues in Motor Neuroscience, and Adapted Kinesiology.