Myles Quiben becomes Interim Chair, Physical Therapy Department

Nicoleta Bugnariu sent this email to all team members on Oct. 12, 2017:

Dear HSC Team:

Dr. Yasser Salem, PT, PhD, PCS, NCS has made the decision to step down as Interim Chair of the Physical Therapy department. He has done a tremendous amount of work in the past two years, in particular leading the recent accreditation efforts. He will continue as faculty in the department.

Dr. Myles Quiben, DPT, PhD, GCS, NCS has accepted to serve as Interim Chair of the PT department. Dr. Quiben has been the program’s curriculum chair; she is an innovative educator and a board certified specialist in geriatric and neuro. The transition was effective October 10, 2017.

Please join me in thanking Dr. Salem for his contribution and welcoming Dr. Quiben in her new role.

Nicoleta Bugnariu, PT PhD
Interim Dean, School of Health Professions