Market Adjustments

From the HSC Office of the President
To HSC Faculty and Staff


I am extremely proud of the progress we’re making toward becoming a Best Place for All, and I am delighted to announce we are continuing to advance toward this goal. Competitive and fair compensation continues to be a top priority and we have included funding in next year’s budget for certain salary adjustments.

An organization’s compensation plan is complex and includes many factors, including market conditions, performance, and others. Working with our campus HR professionals, this year HSC is focusing on three goals, as our funds allow:

  1. Make certain faculty are adequately compensated based on the faculty salary administration policy.
  2. Ensure HSC staff are adequately compensated and meet market standards by executing market adjustments to staff members whose current salary is at least 10% below midpoint of job grade salary range.
  3. Implement a respectful wage of $12.50 per hour for staff members.

Your supervisor will notify you about your FY22 salary status by the close of business on September 1, 2021. Any increases will take effect on Sept. 1 and will be paid Oct. 1, 2021, for monthly payroll and Sept. 15, 2021, for team members paid semi-monthly.

HSC is committed to all team members and values the contributions that are made on a daily basis. Ensuring that competitive and fair pay for all is a high priority. Additionally, in the upcoming fiscal year we will implement a performance-based payment program to reward high performers which will provide an opportunity for all team members to earn a one-time lump sum merit payment.

Specific questions about this year’s pay adjustments are best addressed by your direct supervisor. You may also contact Campus HR,, or 817-735-2690.

As always, I appreciate your extraordinary teamwork and look forward to achieving our One University goals while improving lives throughout our community.


Michael R. Williams